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When Raina first woke up, she kept her eyes closed trying her hardest to remember the events that preceded her nap. She had suffered from a vivid dream, one where the end didn't make any sense. Instinctively, her arms trailed down to wrap herself in the warm blanket, but it felt a lot heavier than she initially expected.

It smelt stranger too.

In that moment, it all came back to her. The book, Grammy, The Kingdom, the Beast, the man in the tree with honest eyes. But what frightened her the most was remembering looking down at her brother and realising she didn't recognise the boy at all.

How could he have made the Stone shine?

She was certain that it was the same one they picked up whilst playing. But considering how real Rami's games had all become, a part of her knew that there was nothing that was out of the realm of possibility anymore. Inhaling deeply through her nose, Raina allowed herself a single moment of fear. One where she thought about all the dangerous situations that lay before them. Where toes were sacred and not guaranteed. Where she tried to be the big responsible sister, but at times it was near impossible. Where she needed to rely on her brother a lot more than she could ever let on.

Acknowledging the fears felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The pragmatic side of her knew that it was normal to be afraid. Anyone in her position would share the same feelings. As she exhaled, she let go of the expectations that she held so dearly in her heart.

It was okay to not know the answers.

Her aim was to keep herself and her brother safe, find their Grammy and get themselves out of here in one piece.

With a new found determination, Raina opened her eyes. They adjusted slowly to the dim light but she could just about make out a small room with a little wooden table and chairs in the centre. A hearty fire roared in the corner as she lifted herself up from the small cot. Following the sounds of yelling, she made her way outside.

It had felt like mere seconds she was sleeping, but in actual fact a lot of time had passed. Enough for the stranger to take Rami and his sister to his house which lay hidden, deep in the forest. The sun had long passed it's peak as Raina offered a hesitant smile in the direction of her brother. He had been practicing swordplay with the stranger and though most would be concerned that a young child was taking part in such an activity, Raina couldn't help but marvel at how mature he suddenly looked. He lunged against the man, who carefully corrected his stance and tested his reflexes.

When Rami spotted his sister, he stopped immediately, pausing for a second, unable to meet her gaze. But the apologetic tilt of her head was enough. Still, his heart did not completely relax until she closed the gap between them and gave him a tight hug. Pressing her lips on his shoulder, Raina inhaled again, this time focusing on how important her brother was to her.

"Next time you want to show me your magic powers, give me some warning okay?" she whispered shakily. Pleased to hear the scoff she got in return, Raina stood up to regard the man that had ambushed them both. Without his cloak, she could now see his features properly.

He had a boyish face, riddled with scars that aged him beyond his years. Dark hair flopped messily against his forehead, but it was the hesitant look that she received that intrigued her the most.

"This is Akkian, he is a Knight of the Kingdom. We can trust him," Rami introduced, the last part with such confidence that Raina had no reason to object.

"What the young Keeper means is that I serve him above all else," Akkian explained hastily. "It has been some time since there has been a Keeper, but the Knights do not forget the Old Laws," he continued in a low voice. As he spoke there was a slight shift in the background as Raina caught sight of the Beast that had taken to roaming the area. She was surprised at the relief that washed across her. It seemed that in a short space of time, the young girl had gotten used to its presence, finding comfort and strength in its endless solemn eyes.

"Thank you for keeping us safe. I'm sorry for the way we met. My name is Raina, we're hoping you can help us find our Grammy," she replied, cheeks reddening as the man gave her a smile. It was definitely one of the more memorable encounters he had. The mention of her Grammy, however, sobered up the mood quickly.

"Come," he said, gesturing to the house. "We have much to discuss. And food to eat."

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