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Akkian led them both down back towards the house, if it could even be described as one. From the outside, it was covered with large leaves that were longer in height than little Raina and far wider than any she'd seen before.

"They're to keep the gnats away," Akkian explained when he saw her curious eyes studying them. For the most part the house passed as a building, one with odd sorts of attachments that seemed to be keeping it from falling apart. One such example was the bamboo like sticks used to bind together a leaning pillar. Another less successful sight was the gaping hole in the roof that had been covered with what look like old cloaks.

Raina glanced up at him, noticing the stubble on his chin and tired eyes. She had been around enough adults to know what that meant. Fatigue often went hand in hand with irritability and scurrying away children that lingered far too long or asked too many questions.

Akkian busied himself gathering some berries and cutting a loaf of bread. He brought it to them both gesturing for them to eat. Neither needed anymore encouragement as they tucked into the simple feast.

The roaring fire was most welcomed by the Marshall children. Though the sun was still out with it's late afternoon rays, a cool breeze had picked up. Akkian picked up a couple more blankets and offered one to each child who took it gratefully. There was a quiet moment where it dawned on them how had they been back at home, it would be Grammy who ensured that they were wrapped up warmly.

"Please, you have to help us," said Raina in between bites, as Akkian took a seat in the armchair opposite them both. He shut his eyes for a brief moment and nodded.

"It's not a coincidence. Your arrival, a new Keeper, the whispers of an uprising, I'm certain it's connected." He replied in a tight voice. Again, Raina was reminded of her teachers at school who were talking about all the work they had left to do. It didn't make her feel any better about the situation.

"Tell us the story; Rainy's awake now," said Rami earnestly, completely oblivious to the subtle nuances that his sister had picked up on.

Akkian took a long inhale before leaning forward, his bright blue eyes giving no indication to the earlier worries that plagued his mind.

"Long ago, back when I was a young boy like yourself, there were many Keepers of the Stone; for there were many Stones to protect. Each contained secrets that no one but the Keeper knew, whether it was a prophecy or a new form of magic, it was the Keeper's duty to protect that information. Back in the day, they would meet regularly to discuss what to do, practice in magic, essentially to keep the Balance. The Knights of the Kingdom were sworn to protect them above all else," Akkian started in a low voice. Rami couldn't help himself as he leant forward and this time, Raina too concentrated on his words. Unlike the previous time she had heard this story, she didn't feel agitated or nervous, but instead curious like any child should be when finding out about a new world.

Mouth dry, Raina tried to ignore the guilt she felt for behaving so immaturely with her Grammy and vowed silently to herself that she'd make it up with her when they found her.

"I am the last known Knight," said Akkian hanging his head. "Most perished in the Great Rift, others betrayed us all and joined the opposing side. Keepers were being slaughtered for their information; I didn't know where to go. You couldn't trust anyone. It was a terrible time. One Keeper in particular, he had found me and recruited me, I tried to protect him. But I hadn't completed my training by that point, I wasn't an official Knight. There was parts of the Old Laws that I didn't understand. I guess the Keeper must have known this, for he told me to go into hiding and complete my training alone. He prophesied of another Keeper that would come, bearing a Stone when all were destroyed. I had to train to protect them, for they would be the answer to the Kingdom's broken state."

Akkian nodded towards Rami's small fist which had contained the Stone (he now kept it safely tucked away in his trouser pocket).

"I stopped believing it until you came today. I'm still not sure I do believe it," Akkian smiled bitterly, his eyes haunted with memories of the past.

"You don't want to believe it," Raina corrected immediately, her gaze steely. The young man turned to the girl an eyebrow raised in silent question. "Rami is the Keeper of the Stone, he's been it for as long as I can remember. He'd never choose to be a Knight, or a Guardian or a Legacy because he's always known," she continued, surprised when a hand slipped into her own.

Her eyes meet that of Rami who shone with pride at his sister's statement. There was no question about it, she was defending his beliefs despite not being entirely convinced by them herself. But perhaps being a skeptic worked in Raina's favour. It meant that she was able to view matters with a clear mind, figure out the holes in a story and work out what was true.

"Maybe you're right, but you don't understand what this all means. What will we start if we let this secret be known." Akkian shrugged, but again Raina shook her head.

"What matters to us most right now is Grammy. If it means you'll feel more comfortable we're not exactly planning to broadcast to the Kingdom that there is a new Keeper in town. We'll find Grammy and then go home," said Raina keeping her voice low to prevent it from cracking.

The young Knight stared at her for a moment, his expression unreadable. Eyes darted between the two siblings as if he was internally debating the whole matter. Leaning his chin against his upright hand, he nodded silently, coming to terms with the concerns that plagued him.

"I'll help you find your Grammy, but you might find that leaving will be a lot harder when you do," he said finally, giving a sense that he wasn't giving all the information at that moment. But the children didn't care, nor did they need to know everything. Finding Grammy and getting home safely was the only thing they cared about.

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