Nale Ba

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It was after the Independence of India

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It was after the Independence of India.

There was a small village in the state of Karnataka, called Chanderi. It was nothing special except for the legend of Stree (Woman).

During 1950s, the village was plagued by the girl from the legend. Every night the female spirit attacks men at night if they are alone and only leaves their clothes behind. The residents of a town believed in the spirit of an angry woman, referred to as "Stree", who stalks men and whisks them away, causing many disappearances.

To protect the residents, "O Stree, Nale Ba" (O Stree, Come Tomorrow) is written with bat's blood on the entrances of all homes, men are advised to not roam alone after 10 pm and move in groups for safety - a parallel of instructions women are usually told to follow for their own safety.

It got so out of hand them the men were forced to wear female garments at night to protect themselves.

The People of Chanderi were absolutely unhappy. A boy named Jal found out the parchments where it was written about the spirit-

Stree was a beautiful girl that every man in town wanted to marry. But she was clever too. She knew that they only lusted after her body. Eventually, she found a man who loved her soul not her body. Just before her wedding night, her husband was killed and she was violated by the foul men. She has since been searching for her true love. Every night she tries to find the only man she ever fell in love with. That's why she carried those men away and when she realized it was not her lover, she drowned then, while singing a terrible but beautiful song.

People claim that whenever you hear the song you would immediately fall into depression and will become sucidal. The song doesn't contain any words known to human kind.

They say that if you happen to come across Stree at night, the chances were even slimmer than a hair for you to escape. They say she will call you thrice. But what ever happens, you are not supposed to turn and look at her. The third time she. calls you would make it impossible for you not to turn. And then she takes you away

So the residents came up with a smart idea of writing "O Stree, Naale Baa" outside the doors and the walls of their house. So when the ghost reads it and it goes back to come again the next day and the cycle repeats.

But she's still out there,

Trying to find her lover.

You have been warned.

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