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I lived in the rural parts Scotland. But after what happened, we shifted to a city to be able to live a normal life.

You see, my mother is a single parent and we live with my grandmother. I don't know what happened to my dad. But I never asked my mother or Grammy what happened to him because whenever I said anything about him my both elders would look unhappy and sad. I just assumed that he left.

It all started a day before my birthday.
My mother woke me up and asked if I wanted a unicorn for my birthday. Like every other teenager, I was also going through my horse phase but it was slowly getting over.

I wanted one thing but my mother would never give me that,so I asked for more books because I loved to read. She smiled and ruffled my hair.

I loved to read in a quiet and nice place. So the forest behind my house was the perfect option. As usual I went to there and sat under my favourite tree.

I read my book for about 15 minutes when I heard a voice.

A horse's neigh

I got curious because it was unnatural for a horse to be in that area. So like an idiot I followed it. I reached an open part at riverside and inhaled sharply.

Before me around 2 metres away stood a beautiful and majestic White horse.
It was so beautiful. It turned it's beautiful head and looked at me as if asking me to come closer. I obliged by before I could come any closer I heard my mom's voice calling me for food.

I went back to my house.
But when I told them about my experience, they didn't look thrilled instead my Grammy looked really troubled.

Next day, it was my birthday. My mom woke me up. And after I got ready she told me that Grammy was had gone to the market to buy something. She asked me what I wanted to do till she came back.
I told her that the book I was at the last chapter of my book. She smiled.

I went to my favourite spot and started reading. When suddenly I heard someone.

'Psst. Listen?'
I looked up to see beautiful woman in her twenties. She had a warm and inviting smile.
She continued," Are you Donnagon's daughter?"
I nodded.
"Well your father has left something for your thirteenth birthday. Follow me"
I know. I know. You should not follow strangers into deep jungle. But she knew my name so she was not exactly a stranger. Or so I thought.

I followed her to reach the same river. The white horse was there drinking water from the river.
"It's your birthday gift, cupcake. Happy 13th." She said.

I reached out to touch the horse. A smile playing on my lips, my father still love me.
He still cared about me.
But something went wrong as soon as  I touched it.

My hand got stuck on it's mane.

I pulled but it didn't move an inch. The woman behind me cackled evilly. I turned while struggling to take my hand out. She had a sadistic grin and her eyes had turned red.

Crimson red

I turned to find the majestic horse's eyes glowed the same evil colour.

I screamed and screamed. My panic was cut short when I heard a gunshot. My eyes were blurry with tears as I turned to see that young women dead.
I looked up to see my Grammy holding a shotgun.
I looked down at the dead young women to find something even more different.

Her body was slowly turning into a shriveled up corpse of a black horse.

"Get down!"
Instinctively, I bend down, my hand still stuck to it's mane.
I heard another gunshot and white hot pain shot in my hand which was stuck. I could feel something warm and slippery on my face. I looked up with my blurry eyes to see that the white horse was slowly shriveling up. Blood pouring out of it's body.

My Grammy took me home and patched my hand up. The bullet had skimmed my skin in such a way that my hand got free from the sticky mane.

After I calmed down, my mother hugged me tightly while bawling.

I turned my head to my Grammy ,"What the hell was that?"

She sighed,"It was a Kelpie."
When she recognised the look of confusion at my face she explained," A Kelpie is a water demon. It's a shape shifter but its true form is a shriveled up horse. I am sorry about your hand, pumpkin, but if I didn't it would have dragged you to the river and drowned you."

"How do you know?" My tone came much sharper than I wanted it to be.

"Because your father died because of one!" My mother whispered and then bursted into another set of tears.

I sat there, my whole world spinned.

When the news finally sank in, I asked my Grammy, my voice shaking,"Then why didn't we move out?"

"Because we were not sure if that was true." Grammy whispered.

I lost a piece of my body that day but got my original wish for my birthday, which normally my mother refused to give me.

The secret.

Of what happened to my father.

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