One Night Stand .. forever

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Meet Gia

I was in advanced art class painting still life when this cute boy came and sat next to me. I felt him staring at me but I ignored him.  The teacher announced that out next big project was a portrait and you have to have a partner. The cute boy asked me to be his partner. I didn't know him and felt a little uncomfortable being his partner but I didn't want to be rude so I agreed to be his partner. "I would like to get this out the way so my house at 6:30?" he said "Uh, yeah okay.. where do you live?" I asked "Dixie Square.. apartment 1453" "Okay, 6:30" I said. 

My mom had to drop me off. When I got there, it was candles lit and it looked really romantic. I set up up my canvas and got my pencil ready to sketch him. "Lets chill for a bit Gia." he said "Uh, I thought we were going to get straight to business?" I said "Look, the project it sure in 3 weeks! We have time." "Uh okay..." I said confused. "Want a soda?" He asked "Uh yea" I said following him into the kitchen. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked "Yeah, wassup" he said "Why did you pick me to be your partner?" I asked "Because you're pretty." I sat on the couch and he sat next to me. "You a new student at Dixie Springs? I never seen you before" he asked "I'm a freshman!" I said. "Oh, really? I'm a senior.. how old are you? I'm 17" He said. "I'm 15" I said. He grabbed my tablet ans started looking though it. "DAMN, These are dope! You drew this?" he asked "Yeah! Thanks... I love drawing.. its how I express myself" "You're really talented" he said.

"Get comfortable Gia! Damn, take off that big ass coat!" he said "Uh, okay!" i said laughing. I was getting a little warm. I stood up and took off my jacket. Even though I had on a thin tank top and I was pretty sure you could see my bra through it. "Damn" he said "What?" I snapped, feeling a little uncomfortable "Nothing! Its just you have a really nice body." He said. I sipped my soda. "Stand up for me." he said "What? Why?" I asked "Come on Gia, just stand up and spin for me." he said putting his hand on my thigh. I stood up and spun around. "You got a fat ass" he said. I hurried and sat down "Why you so ashamed of your body girl? You fine. You got alot of curves, that's sexy" he said "Really? You think I'm sexy?" I said smiling. "Hell yea" he said. Then he started rubbing on my thigh. When he touched it, it sent tingles through my body. I always hide my body and no boys try to talk to me or touched me. "You wanna do something crazy?" he asked leaning close to me. "What you mean by crazy?" I asked "Let me kiss you and let whatever happens happen." he said "Uh, I don't know" I said. He leaned away from me and smacked his lips "Whats wrong?" I asked "Nothing.. maybe you should leave, I'm getting tired" he said "NO... i'll do something crazy with you.. besides.. its not like my life is exciting." I said

"Good" he said licking his lips and leaning towards me. We were so close. I could smell his breathe and it smelled like peppermints. Then he kissed me. It was my first kiss. It was the best thing ever. He pulled away and said "First kiss?" I nodded. "Okay, im going to kiss you again... but this time, open your mouth and wrestle your tongue with mine" I nodded again. He leaned back in and kissed me. WITH TONGUE! It was the best! His lips were so soft and gentle. Things started to get heated. He took off his shirt. He had a 8 pack and his dark brown skin was glistening. He stood up and picked me up from the couch. We walked to his room. He sat me down on his bed. He laid me back and took off my jeans. I wanted to stop him but I couldn't. I wanted this more than anything. Then he slid off panties.  He took off his pants and he climbed on top of me where we was face to face. "You ready?" he asked "Its my first time...." I said "Its okay, i'll take care of you"

My mom picked me up at 10:30. "How did it go?" she asked "It was fun! Im tired, I just want to take a shower and go to sleep!" I said. Yeah, I lost my virginity to a boy I barely know but it felt sooo good even though it was so wrong.

The next day in art class, Jaquan sat by me but didn't even speak to me. Just as I was about to speak to him a girl ran in class, gave him a note then they kissed on the mouth. When she left I said "You have a girlfriend?" "Uh, yeah!" he said avoiding making eye contact with me. "Then what the fuck was last night?" I snapped "We did something crazy.. that's all." he said "Are you fucking serious? You took my virginity!" I said "Yeah, I know, the sex was great! I appreciate it, oh and Jessica is my new partner so yeah" He said. Tears welled up in my eyes. "You used me!" I yelled, grabbing my stuff and running out. I ran to the bathroom and cried. I felt so used and dirty. He used me. Jaquan used me for my flower. I felt like a hoe! It kills me that this is one bad memory that I will never forget. A girl losing her virginity supposed to be special... I thought that mines was special... I thought that Jaquan would be my boyfriend... I thought wrong. 

Months passed and I never spoke to Jaquan again. I was exercising like crazy because I was getting fat and I didn't know how. My period was late and I was beginning to get scared. I told my best friend everything and she thinks I'm pregnant. I cant be pregnant! I'm only 14 and the guy who could possibly be my baby daddy is 17 and wants nothing to do with me. I told my best friend not to tell anyone and she did. She told her mother who told my mother that took me to the clinic to get a pregnancy test. I remember sitting in the waiting room waiting on the results. My mom couldn't even look at me. When the doctor came out and said that I was pregnant and I need to get a ultrasound... I instantly started crying. I remember the doctor putting some jelly like stuff on my stomach and holding something that looked like a microphone in it swirling it around. "You're 4 months along..." she said staring on the projector. I looked at the projector and seen a baby.. in my stomach. I was still in shock that I was having a baby. My mom had her hand over her mouth staring at the projector as well. "You're having a baby boy." She said. "See, here, you can see his little baby penis" she said laughing. Me and my mom just looked at her. We were defiantly not amused. When I got home, my mom still didn't say a word. I asked her not to tell dad and she cussed me out. "What the hell you mean not to tell dad? You're showing. Anyone can tell you're pregnant. I thought you were just getting fat." she said taking a seat. I apologized to her so many times. "Who is the father Gia?" she asked sternly. My dad walked in the house looking angry "I got your text baby, Gia is pregnant?" he asked. "Look at her" my mom cried lighting a cigarette. My dad stared me down. "Who is the father?" he asked. I just looked around. "Who is the FATHER i said" he yelled. "A boy named Jaquan" I said "Jaquan? How old is he? Is he your boyfriend? When did this happen" he said. Wow.... 3 questions is one sentence. "17, no we don't even look at each other and the night I had to do my art project." "YOU'RE ONLY 15 GIA! YOU TELLING ME YOU HAVING SEX WITH RANDOM PEOPLE AND THEN YOU BETRAYED OUR TRUST?" he yelled "Dad, let me explain" I cried "Explain what? What is to be explained?...... Go to your room... and don't come out" he said. I ran to my room and jumped on my bed crying.

I remembered I was pregnant and turned over on my back. Tears were streaming from my face. I disappointed my parents. Then I smirked and put one hand on my stomach. I felt my baby boy. I heard my parents talking about making me keep the baby and get a job and raising it on my own to teach me a lesson. God, why cant I just kill it and take the easy way out?

With Love

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