With Love

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Meet Kaitlin

When Mrs. Bryant, my high school principal called me I didn't know what to think. I was in shock & kind of undecided on if I wanted to ignore or not. I graduated two years ago, what in the hell could she have wanted with me? 

Me: umm hello? 

Mrs. Bryant: yeah, may I speak with Kaitlin? 

Me: This is she. May I ask who's calling?

Mrs. Bryant: Hi Kaitlin This is Mrs. Bryant, your old principal. Remember me?

Me: Yes, how could I forget you? I was in your office everyday.

Mrs. Bryant: Yeah, so how's life been treating you? 

Me: Fairly well, I can't call it. 

Mrs. Bryant: So I have a few friends that work at Clark Atlanta & they told me you go there now & you're an aspiring psychologist .. how's school?

Me: Yes ma'am that is correct, it's going good.

Mrs. Bryant: well we have a few girls at Dixie springs that are suffering with different problems & we would like your assistance to help them out & help them learn from those problems. I think you would be a good person to do this because you have been through a lot in your lifetime & you'll probably be able to connect with the girls more than we. 

Me: I don't know about that. 

Mrs. Bryant: Could you at least consider it? If you do decide to come, come tomorrow at 10:30. 

Me: Yeah, have a good day. Bye.

After all the hell Mrs. Bryant put me through she wanted me to come & speak to a group of girls. I don't know. I probably could but then again I don't know. What could I say to these girls? It's common sense, problems make you stronger. I mean it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that. 

The next day, I woke up early because over night I prayed and decided to go and speak to the girls. I tried to look as professional as possible. I arrived at Dixie Springs at 10:25 and met Mrs.Bryant outside the gym. "Hey Kaitlin! I'm so happy you decided to come!" she said smiling big in my face "Well, I felt like this would be good practice since I wanna be a counselor" I said making no eye contact. "Okay well, its 9 girls in there. good luck. I'll be back in an hour and 45 minutes" She walked away. I took a deep breath and walked in the gym.

When I walked in the gym, all the girls were spread out but on the same side. "Hey y'all! Can you guys scoot in a little... like in the middle section" I said. Some girls rolled their eyes and had a little attitude. It didn't matter to me because I've been there, done that. "Thanks! My name is Kaitlin Green. Some of you may recognize me or remember my name... raise your hand if you remember me" Some girls raised their hands. "Okay, what do you remember me as?" All the girls looked around at each other. "Don't be afraid! I'm not going to kill you or anything. What do you remember me as?" A girl raised her hand.

"Okay, whats your name?" I asked. "My name is Mandy" she said "Okay Mandy, what do you remember me as?" "A hoe." Mandy said firmly. All the girls giggled. "OKAY! I didn't expect for you to be so blunt about it but yes. I was a hoe. Okay girls, I have something for you." I reached into my purse and pulled out some glow sticks. I passed out one glow stick to every girl and kept one for myself "Okay! I bet some of you are thinking what in the hell are we doing with some glow sticks! Well, bare with me, I promise it will make sense in the end. Do not break your glow sticks right now. Everything in life should revolve around love. Anything and everything. A hobby, a passion, a dream,  anything. Because if it is done with love, it wont fail. If it isn't done with love... it wont last. I heard you girls have been going through some rough times. Tough times don't last but tough people do. When I was 10 years old... my dad lost his job and couldn't pay the bills. He took his anger out on my mother & I. Every time he would beat my mother, I would jump in and get my ass whooped too. When I was 14 years old... I lost my virginity to a 47 year old man. I turned to prostitution to help my mother out. She could barely pay the bills and my dad? He didn't try to help us out since he lost his job. Me? I didn't feel comfortable watching my mother struggle.. so I did anything to help her out. I had sex with boys my age for money. I stopped selling my body when I was old enough to get a real job. But my reputation still followed me. I got tired of people picking with me, calling me a hoe, talking shit when  they didn't know shit. I had lots of fights. I was in Mrs. Bryant's office more than I was in class.

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