Chapter One: The First Night.

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"Come on mum, come fly with me," I begged her and she rolled her eyes and beckoned Aunt Ginny to get her to come fly. She said that only trusted Ginny not to do a sudden dive and stuff. I flew over to my dad and forced him to watch me on my broom. I finally got him to watch when mum was about a foot above the air, and almost suffocating Aunt Ginny. I laughed and kicked off from the ground and zoomed into the air very quickly, making sure my boots were on the foot things at the end of the broom. I stayed idol on my broom next to Aunt Ginny and she nodded at me and we zoomed off. I kept up with Aunt Ginny the best I could, but her room was a bit faster. I smirked at my mum who was looking at me and then started doing complicated flips and turns and sudden dives and stuff, pretending to dodge people like I was in a game of Quidditch. A few minutes I saw dad and Uncle Blaise start joining in and dad had an extra broom in his hand and zoomed over to Aunt Ginny and mum who were casually talking. Thank Merlin I wasn't there to hear it. He smirked at mum and pulled her onto the broom which he and Aunt Ginny were both holding with one of their hands. Aunt Ginny was holding onto her broom with her other hand to make sure it didn't move while mum got off the broom. Which took a while. I saw Uncle Blaise start go to the shed hidden at the end of the garden and pull out some Quidditch stuff, but the snitch was charmed to return when a certain spell was said, and not to go out of certain boundaries.

Let the game begin.

So, after this, mum and I finally went home, dad was impressed with what I had learnt. We went home and I saw Olivia there waiting for me when I got back. I gave her a spare key ages ago, after the first night, I kind of had to. Not like I opposed of course. What kind of maniac would do that?

Hermione's POV.

When we arrived home from Ginny's and Blaise's. Rose had certainly learned a lot. And I was really impressed with her. Olivia was inside waiting for Rose when we got there, as soon as they saw each other, I could see the relief on Rose's face. Rose had given her a key a while back after the first night we had made some arrangements, we had no choice, it seemed their bond is a lot stronger than mine and Draco's was when we were that age.


After Rose went to bed, me and Draco had stayed as close to her room as possible, waiting for the screams or any sign of pain. I went in after a few seconds and sat on a chair and told Rose I was just going to stay in there with her and wait to see if any side effects start to happen. She got a little worried but I assured her that she will be fine, Draco and I would just have to bring Olivia here for the nights. She nodded and tried to go to sleep. I thought it was going well when after about three minutes she was fine. But I thought too soon. About two minutes after  that I heard Rose say, 

"Mum, I can't see!" And that was a huge wake-up call for me and Draco. Along with, "Everything hurts." She stood, and I rushed to her side. I lifted her up into my arms.

"Rose, it's gonna be alright. I'm going to apparate with you to Hogwarts and leave you with Madam Promfrey while I go get Olivia alright?" She nodded and I grabbed Draco's hand and apparated. We landed in Hogsmead and I ran faster than Draco could keep up with. I was at Hogwarts within seconds. I had already sent Minerva an urgent patronus to take down the wards and meet me at the gate. She was there waiting for me. I briefly stopped near her. 

"Hermione? What's wrong?"

"It's Rose, her connection is much stronger with Olivia than we anticipated. She's already blind and I'm surprised she isn't screaming. I'm taking her to the Hospital wing and then getting Olivia. She may need to come to our house every night so Rose doesn't have to go through this. I assume Olivia is experiencing similar things." I said to her and she nodded and told me the password for the Gryffindor common room. I thanked her and ran off towards the Hospital Wing as Draco ran past me. He wanted to be there before me. I ran there and got there just as he did. I laid Rose down slowly.

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