Chapter Five: Judgement Day.

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Rose's POV

" - Birthed by Bellatrix LeStrange!" My mum called out in the courtroom where we were still sat.

"Have you any proof of this Mrs Malfoy?" Kingsly spoke, interested for the first time today.

"Of course. I have him here today as a witness. May I bring him to the stand as one final witness before we watch the tape?"

"Of course."

"Alexander?" My mum called and a man about dad's height walked up to the witness stand and sat back down. He looked horrible. He had black curly hair and a pointed jawline that looked like he could cut through stone. His eyes were a reddish-yellow colour. Presumably from Voldemort.

"Yes, Mrs Malfoy?"

"Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth or do we need to use truth serum?"

"I will try and answer to the best of my ability. You have my permission to use truth serum if you believe I am lying."

"Thank you."

"Mrs Malfoy, is it alright if I ask that Mr Whitmore asks the witness any questions that he may need to?"

"Of course," Mum said and came to sit back down with me and Olivia.

"What significance do you have to this case?" Mr Whitmore asked right off the bat.

"I have been watching Olivia for several years now. I was there the day Hope was conceived. I was there the day she was born. I saw everything before and in between for many years. I drank pepper-up potions for years. Just watching. Observing. It took me months to talk to Mrs Malfoy about her employees. Of course, she didn't believe me. I get why. But instead of just sending me away she asked if she could verify what I was saying by giving me truth serum. She believed me after that. So she started an investigation. It was deduced as a cold case three months afterwards when Olivia was seen in the park without a single bruise."

"Did anyone speak to Olivia at this time?" Mr Whitmore asked, a sly smirk plastered on his face.

"Yes, she replied that she didn't know what we were talking about." I looked at Olivia and started rubbing her back soothingly. "But I spoke to her while she was at school a few weeks ago. Just after her wife left. I didn't want to take my chances at getting beaten up for accidentally upsetting her." I flashed him a cheeky grin with an unapologetic look.

"What made you wait until Rose wasn't there to talk to Olivia?"

"Well for one have you seen Rose? She could rip me a new one just by looking at me. She's scary. I saw her glaring at that one blonde kid. Rory? I would not want to be her. Secondly, I tried to talk to her once and Rose thought I was an attacker and decided to send me on my way. Sporting a black eye and a few broken ribs. I don't blame her for that. Imagine a creepy looking guy coming up to you and your girl, with yellow eyes and a mad feral look? I'd've done the same thing. I'd be more concerned if she didn't beat me up." He commented and I smiled a little at him and he gave me a reassuring nod. 

"She hit you? So you're afraid of her?"

"Yeah. I bet if she wanted to, she could beat you to a bloody pulp too. But she won't hit anyone without reason. I've never seen a more loving couple in my entire life. You can tell that Rose worships the ground Olivia walks on. If Olivia were to punch Rose in the face, Rose would thank her for it." He chuckled and I nodded slightly and Kingsly had to stifle a laugh when Olivia rolled her eyes and laid her head on my shoulder. I realised what he was doing early on. He isn't making a joke of the case, but he was trying to keep the mood light so that Olivia could cope through the trial. At least his part of it. He feels sorry for her. 

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