Chapter Two: The 'Happy' Nightmares.

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A/N Sorry guys, I fucked up the timeline a little bit. Just pretend when Rose and 'Mione fought a while ago. You'll understand later on I swear I'm not crazy. Maybe just a little bit. But I changed it like over half way through so ignore this until the time comes! Which it will. I'm totally not crazy. What gave you that idea? I don't know. Anyways...

"Legilimens," I said and I was sucked into her dreams.

In Olivia's Dream.

"Mmm. Baby..." Olivia moaned, her head thrown back on a chair in the Gryffindor common room. I am stood behind the chair, I can just see Olivia's pleasured face, closed eyes, a blush apparent. One of her hands is gripped the edge of the seat so tightly, I can see her knuckles going white. The other hand I can't see. I walk around the seat, knowing Olivia can't see me. I saw her hand embedded in some girls bushy brunette hair. "Rose, oh Merlin." She breathily moaned and I realised the girl was me. Is that what I really look like from the back? After I few seconds, I hear her scream my name loudly. A cupboard slams open as Olivia rushes to get dressed, the dream me had somehow disappeared. Olivia seems to know what this is. "No, I'm happy, why can't you leave me alone!?" She yells at the shadow that is taking its form. Me...

"You aren't happy, you never will be. I don't love you. I never did. I'm using you. Don't you see it? I love someone else. Someone you thought to be your friend. You're pathetic. You're a waste of space. You shouldn't get to breathe." Suddenly another version of me screams in another part of the common room. Olivia runs to the corner, that version of me is dead. She screams and cries. A baby in that version of me's dead arms.

"YOU PROMISED!" She screams at the dead me. She grabs the baby and stands up. The baby is covered in blood. "Emily." She whispers. The baby isn't crying. Nor is it moving. Olivia notices. She holds the baby in a weird way and when the baby doesn't cry, she does. She puts the baby in dead me's arms. She looks at the creepy version of me. "Why do you do this to me? Why do you torment me? You are supposed to be my best friend!" She screams and a menacing laugh comes from behind her. Olivia spins and Rory is stood there. I clench my fists so my knuckles go white.

"Don't worry baby - "


"Well, that's a bit rude," Rory said and Olivia seethed. "Anyway, Rose isn't here anymore. You have nothing to lose. I've taken away your child, your love. And even your future child you didn't even know about. Neither did she, but I killed it and her, as well as your child." She repeated. Reminding Olivia. I can see why she hates these dreams, but I get why she wanted me to see it.

"You will never take her away from me."

"I already have."

"No, you haven't. She is still in my heart, my soul. Rose is every breath I breathe, every dream I dream. Every step I take. Every spell I cast. Rose is my heart. Rose. Is. My. Life. If you've taken Rose, you've taken me too." 

"CRUCIO!" Rory screamed and the creepy shadow me laughed. As it hit Olivia, she started screaming. After countless hours, Rory stopped and straddled her waist. I don't think I want to see this. "Rose will be nothing." She whispered in Olivia's ear and she just laughed, coughing blood between laughs.

"Is that all you've got? You're more pathetic than I thought you were." Olivia laughed as Rory slapped her. "Try your worst." Olivia spat at her. 

"Obliviate!" Rory yelled and that's when Olivia started screaming and writhing, scaring the shit out of Rory as she tried to erase every memory of me from Olivia's mind. I saw flashes of us together, real moments. Some not so real because they haven't happened yet. When all the flashes ended, everything went white. "Now then love, how are you? Come give me a kiss." Olivia hadn't moved from the floor. She was still writhing violently. The screams started again. Rory climbed on top of her and started tearing her clothes apart ignoring her screams and writhing. 

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