Chapter Four: The Trial.

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A/N Sorry to those few reading this that I haven't updated in a while, and I have only just noticed that chapter two and three are the wrong way round. I feel like I should explain. So, when I was writing chapter two, I thought I had lost everything that I wrote, but being the clever author I am (Not) I had it copied onto another document to a certain point so I had to copy and paste it, then coming to chapter three, I realised that there was something written on it but thought nothing of it and then deleted it. So that roughly explains that. Anyway, back to the story.

Rose's POV.

~~~ 26 And a half minutes later ~~~

"Rose, we are here. Tell. Me." Olivia demanded. I sighed dramatically and gave up. 

"Fine! Fine!" I sighed again. "You're pregnant. In a week you'll go into labour. When you were sick, it was morning sickness." I said and then walking into the courtroom so Olivia couldn't respond, well, she looked sick. That's helpful I suppose. I imagine she'll be like this for the next hour or so until the shock wears off. 

"All Rise!" We all stood. Kinglsey walked in, he looked at me, then Olivia and back at me in a curious expression. I simply smiled sadly at him and he nodded in understanding. "Be seated!" Was called again in a male's gruff voice. We all took a seat. Olivia was sat on my knee looking ahead blankly. 

"We have all come here today to make a final decision on Mr and Mrs Moondles innocence or guilt in the following crimes: Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Rape, Murder on the first degree and Perjury." He paused briefly before looking to the devils incarnate across from us. "How do you plead to these crimes?"

"Not Guilty." Mr Whitmore answered instead of the devils.

"Mrs Malfoy, do you have anything to say about this case or have any witnesses to bring forth at this moment?"

"No witnesses at the moment, your honour. Although, I would like to ask you some questions about the tapes you watched."

"You may ask any and all questions you have."

"Thank you, your honour." My mum spoke then looked back at me and Olivia. Then back to Kingsley. "I believe you watched all of the tapes my daughter provided?"


"Did you see any incident that involved either of Olivia's parents sexually harrassed her?"


"Which parent was it?"

"Both of them Mrs Malfoy."

"Oh?" My mum said and we both looked at Olivia, she noticed we were looking at her and nuzzled her face in my neck. I cuddled her. "Was Olivia conscious during these attacks?"

"Yes, she was cowering away from both of her parents consistently, both of her parents showed equal amounts of hatred towards Olivia and Hope."

"Did anything happen to Hope - "

"I OBJECT!" Mr Whitmore called from his seat on the bench. Mum turned towards him and Kingsley also faced him.

"What is your objection, Mr Whitmore?"

"We have no proof that this Hope exists other than three people's testimony's, what is saying that this alleged Hope exists? And that the child, if real, is Mr Moondle's." I smirked at this point, he was getting desperate.

"I'm Hope!" Hope called from my dad's lap trying to see over the people's heads. We couldn't see her. Everyone looked at my dad and he raised his hands. 

"I didn't say it, Hope did, she's here." My dad spoke calmly and then lifted Hope onto his shoulder.

"I'm Hope Moondle - Malfoy. Mummy and mummy Rose got married and Draco changed my name while Hermione took me for a DNA test." Hope said in her adorable two-year-old way, but also in a way where no one doubted what she said. I smiled encouragingly at her and Olivia smiled and looked up.

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