Part 6: Vacation!...Kind of

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You stand in the mirror, your hair is wet and scraggly. You grab the blow dryer and start brushing and drying your thick mane, You see Frank walk in, it looks like he has someone with him. You shut off the hair dyer and turn to Frank, "Uh, Daddy? Who's that with you?" A tall man with yellow hair walks in, You have trouble seeing who it is at first but when you do, your heart starts pounding; "G-Gerard Way...oh...oh my god." Your breath hitches and you frantically try to clean up the counter where you were just primping yourself, "Uh, uh, lemme just." You clumsily shove everything into a drawer and try to pose casually against the counter, clearing your throat, "So, what's up?" Gerard and Frank snicker in the door way, "Gee, this is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N clearly you know Gee." Frank smirks and covers his mouth with his hand in an attempt to contain his laughter, you stick out your hand and loosely shake Gerard's, "Nice to meet you." You stare up at him, He's even hotter in person! Gerard chuckles and takes your hand in his, "Pleasure's all mine." Gerard places a light kiss on the back of your hand and you blush, "Oh..oh wow. Uhm, Daddy? What's uh...what's he doing here?" You stammer, wiping your hands on your shorts. Frank walks towards you and pulls you into a loose hug, "Chill, Kitten. He's just here to hang." You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding and smile, "Okay. Oh! I forgot to ask, did you finish packing for our trip?" Gerard and Frank exchange looks and Frank nods curtly, "Yep. All finished babe." You furrow your brow and look from Frank to Gerard, "Am I missing something? You're acting sorta funny." Frank shifts uncomfortably, "No... just, head downstairs when you're done." You narrow your eyes at Frank and shake your head, "Alright..." you finish up and make your way downstairs. As you round the corner, You see another suitcase by the couch and your curiosity is piqued, "Daddy? What's this extra suitcase doing here." Frank nibbles his lower lip, looking away and then back at you, "I kinda...have something to tell you." Your mouth is suddenly dry, you sick your bottom lip and twist a piece of hair around your finger, "Okay...what's up?" Frank makes his way over to you and takes your hand, "Gerard isn't just here to hang...his... woman kinda kicked him out and I said he could stay here for a bit..and maybe.. invited him with us on our trip to make him feel better.." Frank's voice trails off at the end of his sentence, Gerard stands awkwardly, sipping a beer loudly in the silence. "Oh..okay..." You move to sit on the couch, pulling a thick throw blanket over your legs, "I thought it was just going to be the two of us but more the merrier I guess." You sigh and turn on the tv, ruffling your hair in contempt. Frank eases onto the cushion beside you, placing his hand on your knee, "C'mon Kitten, don't be like that. Gerard could really use the break. He's had a rough week." You feel a tinge of empathy and smile softly, "Alright, he can come. But only if you do me one favor." Frank and Gerard exchange glances before turning back to you, "Okay, what's that?" Frank asks. You smirk, "I wanna see you two kiss." Frank's eyes widen and Gerard nearly chokes on his beer, "No. Absolutely not. I'm not kissing him." Frank sneers, "And I'm not kissing you either." Gerard spits back. You laugh uncontrollably, tossing yourself back into the couch as you hold your torso, before catching your breath, " Come on," you start between chuckles, "just a peck! It'll make all of my Frerard fantasies come true!" Frank's face washes over into a look of confusion, "Frer-What?" You snicker and start to explain, "Frerard. It's your ship name." You state, matter of fact-ly. Gerard makes his way over, joining in on the confusion, "Ship name? What in the fuck are you talking about, Y/N?" You take a deep breath and reign in your laughter once more, "Ship name, as in Relationship. A ship is when fans pair two people together in fantasy and fanfics, your ship name is a way of mashing you together to kind of make you one." Gerard and Frank are still confused, their puzzled looks growing deeper, "So...what you're telling us is that, people want us to be.. together?" Gerard asks, his eyebrows raised. You nod, "Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. Now, If you want in on this vacation, I wanna see some lips touching." Gerard and Frank sigh almost simultaneously, "Fine." Frank gets up and turns towards Gerard, "Let's just satisfy the little demon. It's only a peck anyway, man." Gerard throws his hands up in defeat, "Fine." Gerard clenched his eyes shut and readies himself as Frank reluctantly leans in, Gerard resists the urge to back away and puckers his lips tightly, "Come on, just a little closer guys." Frank quickly gives Gerard a peck on the lips and backs away, "Alright, you happy now?" Frank glares at you, wiping his lips. You smile deviously, "Yes. I'm extremely happy." Gerard smirks at you, "I say we punish her." Your smile drops, "Since when do you get a say in my punishment? And why do I deserve to be punished? All you did was give each other a tiny kiss." You cross your arms, eyeing the two. "I couldn't agree more." Frank says disregarding your question as a smile spreads across his face. You pull the blanket to your chest, your heart pounding, "What are you guys thinking?" You ask anxiously. Gerard and Frank don't answer, instead, they both sit beside you on the couch. Frank yanks your blanket off and pulls you to him by your waist, "Upstairs. Now. And get undressed." You gulp and move to run upstairs. You've really done it now, Y/N. You burst into the bedroom and swiftly undress, laying on the bed in almost a flash, "I'm ready!" You call out, "Good! Now wait there and don't move." Frank answers back. You can hear the murmur of their voices downstairs, you try to make out what they're saying but they're too quiet. You grip the duvet as your anxiety builds, after some time you  see Frank appear in the door frame, he's holding something in his hand and you eye it, "Daddy is that...a dildo?" Frank nods and steps closer, the same devilish smirk reappearing on his face, "Bend over." You reluctantly roll over, propping yourself up on all fours, You feel someone climb on the bed behind you, "Have at it." Frank stands beside the bed, looking you in the face, "Is this what you want, Kitten? For your little 'Frerard' ship to double team you?" Your eyes widen and you gulp; Frank grabs something from the bedside drawer, "Open your mouth, babygirl." You open your mouth and Frank places a red ball gag in it, clasping it at the back of your head, You whine and look up at him, "Relax. We're not going to hurt you...much." Gerard takes the dildo from Frank and pushes the cold tip against your entrance, his thumb working your clit softly, "'re getting so wet." Gerard says, licking his lips. You moan, you can feel yourself opening up as the dildo slides in, stretching you, "Mmmff!" Frank lays a hard smack on your ass, "You like that you dirty little slut? You like being fucked with a dildo? Hmm? Does that make your pussy wet?" You nod, tears threaten to fall from your eyes, "Fuck her harder, Gee." Frank smirks, his hand stroking his cock through his jeans, "Daddy's gonna cum on his Kitten's face." Frank unzips his jeans, his cock smacks you on the cheek and he begins running the head along your face, "Mmm you have such soft skin Kitten..." Frank's cock twitches and a bit of precum dribbles down your cheek, Frank rubs it in with the tip of his cock, as he does another glob ends up on your face, "Fuck.." Frank grips the shaft and strokes it hard, his balls slap against his thighs as he continues. Gerard is now slamming the dildo in and out of you, your muffled moans echo through the bedroom, you can feel yourself beginning to climax, Frank yanks your hair and releases his load onto your face, his lower back twitching. You groan, feeling yourself orgasm as Gerard yanks the dildo out of you, You pant in relief and Frank smirks at you, "You're not off the hook yet Kitten, we have more for you later." Frank kisses the top of your head, "Go clean up." You turn on your back and stare up at Gerard, who's smirking, "You're really going to like what we have planned for later." You raise an eyebrow and move to unclasp the ball gag, pushing it out of your mouth with your tongue, "I'm scared to find out what that means." You stand and make your way to the bathroom, Gerard follows, "I haven't gotten a chance to get off yet, yknow." Gerard puts his hands on your waist and pulls you into him, You can feel how hard he is, "You might wanna help me fix this before you clean up." You blush, leaning over the sink to wash your face, "Come on Y/N, you know you want to." Gerard teases, his fingers slipping into your throbbing entrance, "You're still so wet.." You really didn't want to say no and you'd be lying if you said you hadn't dreamt of this moment for years.

Frank Iero x Reader {Smut, Daddy Kink} {Daddy's Kitten}Where stories live. Discover now