Chapter 16

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After the kiss finally broke, Loki led Morgan back to his chambers so she could get some much needed rest before she took the apple the next day. He knew it was less than proper to share a bed with her so soon after they started courting, but she was also blind and on a strange realm. He didn't want her alone either. He would sleep on the couch in his sittingroom if she were uncomfortable with sharing a bed. He could set her up in his consort's suite... but he'd rather have her closer. He cared too much about her.

Morgan walked back with him to his chambers, practically half-dozing as they walked. She'd had a big couple of days and a long night of dancing. She was only Midgardian after all at least until the next day. Loki noticed she was practically dragging her feet, leaning on him and not just letting him lead. With a smirk, he swept her into his arms. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he kept moving without breaking stride to head the rest of the way to his chambers. "Liam!" she protested in surprise.

Loki chuckled. "You are dead on your feet, darling. This is easier on the both of us," he told her warmly and pressed a kiss to her hair. This was much easier than steering her back to bed.

"Mmkay," she replied, giving up quickly and laid her head on his shoulder.

He smiled warmly at how adorable his little mortal was and carried her back to his chambers. He used a bit of magic to change both of their clothes to sleepwear and carefully laid her in the bed, tucking the blankets around her and pressing a soft kiss to her hair. She made a soft sad noise. "You're leaving?" she asked him softly.

"It would be rude to presume an invitation to share a bed," he reminded her gently. Just because he looked like a monster didn't mean he had to act like one.

"I don't want to be alone," she admitted softly.

He nodded and carefully climbed into the bed. They had shared a bed before, just for sleep, and he didn't mind doing so again, especially to reassure her that she was safe. Besides, he liked having her in his arms. She curled up with him and laid her head on his chest. She was soon fast asleep, a warm smile on her face, content and safe in his arms.


/Darling, I have the apple whenever you two are ready/ Frigga told Loki as soon as he woke the next morning.

He blinked his eyes open groggily. /We will be there soon, Mother/

/Very well, darling/ Frigga replied and ended the connection.

Loki found that he was being used as a pillow by an adorable little redhead. He didn't want to disturb her, but he unfortunately needed to. "Ana, wake up, darling. We have duties to attend to," he told her gently.

She made a soft noise as her eyes fluttered open. "Li?" she asked softly, sleepily. She didn't want to move from where she was cuddling him like a giant, chilled pillow.

He smiled warmly, loving hearing the nickname off her lips. "Yes, darling. You need to wake up. You have a gift waiting for you," he reminded his sleepy little darling, kissing the top of her head. She woke properly at that and sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes and looking so relieved that the action no longer hurt her. Loki smiled at her adorable expression and swept a lock of loose hair behind her ear. "Are you ready for this?" he asked her gently.

She gave him a warm smile at he show of affection. She pondered his question, gave it proper consideration. "I'm not sure. Probably not, but I'm excited for it at the same time. A lot is changing with one little apple and one little vision," she finally said.

Loki nodded, he could accept that answer. "It will not be easy, but I will be with you the entire time. I will not let you go through this alone," he reassured her. It would be hard on her, but she would be stronger and practically immortal when she was through the transition.

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