The hospital(2015)

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Daniel POV
I was breaking down right there in the middle of the hospital. I never told her I love her and now I never will. She's gone. I can't do this. I wish it was me who was driving.

I hear the doctor start saying, " Time of dea—," he was cut off by a beeping. I look up and her heart is beating. She's still alive. I let go of a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I hug Stacy (mrs. Simmons). Stacy whispers in my ear;
"You love her don't you?"
"Y-yeah," I stutter. Stacy pulls from the hug and gives me a smile.

We ask the nurses if me and Lauren can get adjoining  rooms. The nurses let us and they move my bed into a room that has room enough for two beds. Lauren is still in surgery and they'll bring her bed in here later. I can't believe I almost lost her.

—— time skip 2 hours brought to by the Grim Reaper who decided to leave the hospital——

I tried to fall asleep but couldn't. I was told, by Stacy, that Lauren would be out of surgery in 1/2 an hour. I sit here bored out of my mind. My mom fell asleep. My dad and siblings went home. There wasn't enough room for all of them. Elijah and Lauren's siblings went home too. Stacy is in between asleep and awake.

10 minutes later I see a doctor come in through the door. Following him was a few nurses with a gurney. Lauren's on the gurney. Stacy awoke to see them. She talked to the doctor for a bit. Lauren was still asleep. She looked really peaceful. Years down the road or even months we might look back at this and think so many things. We might even laugh.

I now know not to take people for granted. Time is limited on earth. I need to cherish it. I still don't think I should tell Lauren I love her. I decide I should talk to Stacy. If anyone knew how Lauren felt, it'd be her mother.

"Hey Stacy?"
"Yeah Daniel?"
"So remember when you asked me I-if I loved L-Lauren and I said y-yeah?"
She chuckled a little bit before saying, " yeah I remember," she smiles, " what about it?"
I smile back before saying, " h-how and when do I tell her? Cause after tonight I don't know what to do. I can't loose her. I know we're just best friends but I love her. We've said 'I love you' before but I don't know if she meant it like that." By the time I finished ranting a tear fell down my cheek.

Stacy gave me a sympathetic look. "Daniel. Calm down. All you have to do is tell her. What could possibly go wrong?"

I open my mouth start speaking but Stacy stopped me. "That was rhetorical," she says. "Just tell her. I need to go make a call I'll be back in a bit."

I nod my head at her. I was thinking about all that me and Stacy talked about I decide to try and get some sleep.
Stacy POV
I always knew Daniel was in love with Lauren. I think Lauren is in love with him too. I was not sure so I didn't say anything to him. After I get off the phone I step into the room. Daniel is asleep so I decide to go to sleep too.

—— time skip brought to you by a bowl of watermelon🍉——

Daniel POV
I awake and look at the clock. It read, '3:29 am'. Great. No one is awake. I have nothing to do. It's just me and my thoughts.

I think about the past four years of my life. The years Lauren has been in it. They've been great. I think of the good and bad times. Like the times we fought. We rarely fight but when we did it's horrible. I say things I don't mean. Lauren sometimes cries but that when I stop and we make up . We always make up.

I think about when she starts dating someone and then gets hurt. I think about how I'm there for her every time that happens and vice versa. I remember the long talks we had in the tree that lasted for hours. I think of all the smiles she's given me. I think of how competitive we both are.

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