Christmas- New Years- Sickness

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We just got done wrapping the majority of the presents. I still have to be careful not to bust open my stitches.

"Lauren, I forgot to wrap one of the best presents of all," Daniel began.

"Uh huh what's that," I say totally oblivious.

"You." I was confused at first but then he came towards me and I started to run. "Daniel nooo," I cried. Daniel caught up to me and wrapped me in wrapping paper.

"Wow, thanks Dani," I said. "You're welcome."

It was late and me and Daniel fell asleep on the couch. There was still a mess everywhere. Not real sure what we're doing tomorrow. All i know is tonight was very very fun.

10 Days Later.......

Its Christmas morning. This is one of my favorite Holidays. I go downstairs to find my parents. Later we're going to have a Christmas party with Daniels family. My brothers come downstairs. We open our presents after eating breakfast. Daniel and his family are coming over at 6 pm.

Its now 4:30 so I decide to get ready. I take a shower and put clothes on;

Also wearing that necklace but not the makeup

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Also wearing that necklace but not the makeup.

Next I put make up on;

It's now around 5:45 so I decide to go help my mom set the table

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It's now around 5:45 so I decide to go help my mom set the table. Theres a knock on the door and I go answer it. It's Keri, Daniel, Tyler, Anna, Christian and Jeffrey.

"Hi. Welcome to this humble home," I say jokingly and laughing a little.

"Hey Lauren," Keri responds. I invite them in and we all go to the living room while the moms finish preparing the food. We joke and laugh. After we eat we open some more presents. Daniel got me a Beautiful necklace;

 Daniel got me a Beautiful necklace;

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Around 9:00 they go home. For some reason I wasn't feeling very well but I didn't say anything. I didn't want to worry my mom. I went up to my room and decided I needed some fresh air. I go out the window to the tree. I sit there for a little bit and don't notice Daniel coming out his window.

"Hey Laurie. What's wrong?" He says.
"Nothing I'm fine."
"I know you well enough to know when your lying. Tell me what's wrong."
"I just don't feel very well."
The conversation went on and we talked about a lot of things. All of a sudden I got this overwhelming feeling of nausea and rushed inside the window to the bathroom. Daniel followed me in. He held my hair back while I was throwing up.

After I was through, he got me a cold wash cloth and a makeup wipe. He took my makeup off and wiped my mouth off. He sat down beside me and pulled me close.

Daniel POV
After she was through I went and told her mom after taking her makeup off. Stacy came in a little after I sat down beside Lauren and pulled her close. She gave Lauren some medicine and checked her temperature.

She told I could go home if I wanted to and thanked me. I didn't go home.  I wanted to stay with Lauren. I texted my mom and told what I was doing.

I woke up in the morning with Lauren in my arms. She was so calm. Lauren woke up soon after and we got up. I went home and took a shower while she took a shower.

We watched movies for the rest of the day. We couldn't figure out why Lauren had gotten sick but she didn't any more that day.

Time skip to New Years (Daniel POV)
My New Years revolution is to make Lauren my girlfriend. 

A few days after the New Year
So Lauren hasn't called in a few days and I haven't seen her. We go back to school tomorrow. I'm worried about her. I didn't have anything to do so I watched  Greys Anatomy.

A few hours into my binge I get a FaceTime from Lauren.
(Contents of the FaceTime  L-Lauren D-Daniel)

L-" Hey Dani"
D-" hey where have you been I haven't seen you in days"
She seems a little distant and upset.
D-" Lauren what's wrong?"
L-" um so Dani um i-im in the hospital"
D-" why what's wrong?"
L-" we don't know yet"
D-" can I come see you?"
L-" sure that be great. Just be careful."
D-" okay I will be there in a bit"

I get ready to go. I'm really worried about Lauren. I get to the hospital and go to her room. On the way there I had stopped and gotten us Starbucks. I walk into her room.

"Hey Lauren I got us Starbucks"
"Thank you Dani," she said smiling. Gosh that smile lights up the whole room. We sit and talk for awhile.

Me and Lauren are laughing and cutting up when I get a call. The doctor comes in and talks to Stacy and Elijah as I go to the waiting room to talk.

I comeback in a few minutes later to find that Stacy and Elijah are gone and it's just Lauren. She seems really upset. She's  crying.

"Lauren, what's wrong?"
"Dani I'm sick."
"What do you mean sick."
"I have cancer."
I almost I already lost her and now again. I just sat there shocked. She was so happy moments ago and now she's so sad. I wish I could make this all better.

"They can treat it right," I say, voice cracking a bit because I'm on the green of tears.
"Yeah. I think so but I'm gonna loose all my hair. Dani what if I die?" She says looking at me. As she says that a tear roles down my cheek.
"Hey hey don't think like that. Everything's gonna be okay.  You're very strong, amazing woman who takes way more than anyone and I know you can make it through this." I say hugging her.

"Thank you." She says as Stacy and Elijah come back in the room.

"Let's go kiddos," Elijah says. Me and Lauren go in my car.

We decide that we don't wanna go home yet so we go to Walmart. On the drive there I found out she has leukemia. We were having fun in Walmart and decide to go home. It was kinda late anyways.

Lauren starts chemotherapy Wednesday. I'm skipping school to go with her.

6 months later
Lauren has now been going through 6 months of chemotherapy and has lost her hair. She's really upset about her hair though.

Lauren POV
So I've been going through Chemotherapy for 6 months. I'm doing better. But I've lost my hair. It's very upsetting.

4 months later
My chemotherapy is over and now I'm moving to LA with Daniel. Daniel is now in a band, Why Don't We. My hair hasn't really grown back so I wear a wig. I haven't met his band mates yet but I will sometimes.

I'm moving into my own house in Beverly Hills.  I bought this house with my money too. ( remember she's a rich YouTuber.) Daniel and I are in LA and settling in.

A/n- sorry this took soooo long to update. I have been very busy with sports and finals and haven't had much time to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and there will be less than 10 more chapters of this book. Next chapter  coming in a bit.

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