Chapter 1

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Kihyun sighed softly, running a hand through his pink dyed hair as he leaned back in his chair. Why in the world had he decided to get his masters again? Ah, yes. To make sure that he'd be able to run the company as best he could when it was time for him to take over.

Another sigh escaped him as he eyed up the clock to check the time. His gloomy expression quickly vanished as he got up, grabbed his car keys, and slipped on a pair of shoes as he made his way out the door. A break from his studies and homework to pick up his ball of sunshine.

Kihyun pulled into the parking lot of the daycare, turning the car off. A small smile crept onto his face as he got out of the car. When he had started going back to college, he had been worried that he'd be recognized, but he surprisingly hadn't been. He'd been so surprised since he was the heir to a prominent company, then again, he hadn't really done anything in his younger years to catch the attention of media to have eyes on him all the time. It also meant that he didn't have his picture plastered everywhere.

"Papa!" Came an excited voice, pulling the pink-haired man from his thoughts. He knelt down, arms ready to catch his bundle of joy.

"Hey there, my little wolf cub," he cooed as Changkyun hugged him, picking up the four-year-old easily. The earned him a giggle. "How was your day?" He asked, curious to hear all about it.

"I played a lot with Hoeonie," Changkyun said, looking for the other boy.

"That must have been fun," Kihyun said, turning to leave, waving to the employees as he went. Changkyun nodded at the statement, his eyes wandering, but his arms wrapped firmly around Kihyun's neck. As they left the daycare, a man standing at the desk caught his attention, so he made a slight detour to catch the conversation he was having with the receptionist.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have anyone available to watch at home," she apologized, genuine. The man groaned softly, rubbing his face with his hand. Kihyun approached cautiously, feeling Changkyun tuck his head into the crook of his neck.

"I don't mean to pry," Kihyun said, announcing his presence to the pair. The taller man looked over to Kihyun, curious. "If you're looking for a home-sitter for the weekend, I don't have any plans. Other than spending time with my son." A gentle smile passed his face. "I don't want to seem like I'm doing this of pity, but I understand how it is needing someone to look after your kid on the weekend."

The taller man, and quite muscled it seemed, seemed to be in his thoughts, thinking it over. He opened his mouth slightly, but closed it, seeming to still think about it. Kihyun rolled his eyes and grabbed a sharpie from the receptionist's desk.

"Give me your hand," Kihyun said, grabbing it. He wrote his name and number on the back of the stranger's hand. "Shoot me a text or call me when you've made up your mind." Changkyun finally peeked at the stranger, a light of recognition in his dark eyes as he did so. "If you do take up my offer, I ope you don't mind me bringing Changkyun." He offered one last smile before heading out the doors. The short man certainly did not notice how the stranger watched him go to his car.

The ride back home was filled with Changkyun telling a very detailed story about his day with his friends Heonie and Minnie. From the sounds of it, he'd sleep well.

"Sssooo, my Kyunnie, what do you want to do for dinner?" Kihyun asked as they made their way into the house. The young boy thought on it, seriously, before giving his answer.

"Pot-stickers!" He said, excitedly. Kihyun chuckled a bit. On their last run to the grocery store, the stubborn 4-year-old had somehow convinced his father to buy pot-stickers, which had also prompted Kihyun to buy ingredients for a meal.

"Sounds like a plan, my little man," Kihyun said, giving his son's check a light pinch before he could run off to play while Kihyun cooked.

As he was getting everything out and set, his phone buzzed from its spot on the counter.

Unknown Number

Hey, I wanted to thank you for offering to watch my kids this weekend. I think I'll have to take you up on that, Yoo Kihyun.


I'd be more than happy to watch them! Also, I don't think I ever asked your name. Hehehe, whoops.


Ah! Sohn Hyunwoo.

Contact name changed to Sohn Hyunwoo


A pleasure, Hyunwoo. Just text me with the address and the time and I'll be there.

Sohn Hyunwoo

Thank you so much, again


No need to thank me, I really do get how hard it can be to get someone to babysit on the weekends.

Kihyun plugged his phone into a speaker to listen to music as we worked on dinner for himself and Changkyun. Humming as he worked, he had dinner done in no time.

"Kyunnie! Dinner is ready," he called, wiping his hands dry. He waited a few moments before going to look for his son. Kihyun leaned on the door frame to Changkyun's room, to see the boy lost in his own world. "Little wolf, your pot-stickers are done." That sure got his attention. Kihyun chuckled as the 4 year old rushed to the kitchen, his father trailing behind him.

"You gotta wash up first, Kyunnie," Kihyun said, pulling a step-stool over to the sink for Changkyun so he could wash his hands. Changkyun pouted a bit but did as he was asked without a fuss. The pot-stickers were more important than putting a fight with his father over washing up. As Changkyun washed up, Kihyun made the two of them a plate of food.

"Thank you, Papa," Changkyun said as he sat in his booster at the table. Kihyun smiled at his son.
"You're welcome, Kyunnie," he said. "Oh, and tomorrow, we're gonna go out." Changkyun looked up from his plate. "You know the man that papa talked to at daycare?" Changkyun nodded after thinking for a moment. "We're gonna be going to his house to watch his kids for the day." Changkyun narrowed his eyes suspiciously but didn't protest. Kihyun chuckled before eating his plate of food. Children sure are strange.

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