Chapter 4

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Kihyun chuckled a bit as Changkyun pulled at his shirt.

"What is it that you want, wolf cub?" He asked, looking to his son. A pout was on Changkyun's face.

"I wanna go to the park," he whined. Kihyun picked him up and set him on his lap, looking to him.

"I've still got work to do, Kyunnie," Kihyun said, glancing at the clock. "How about after lunch? I can get this done and we can go out and eat something before we go." Changkyun thought about it for a moment, before nodding. "Now go and play till then," Kihyun said, laughing as his son ran from his office back into the living room.

The pink-haired man finished his homework from his professor's up as quickly as he could. Just as he was finishing up, Changkyun had wandered into his office again. Before he could say a word, Kihyun got up and scooped the young boy up into his arms.

"Let's go get lunch, my wolf cub," Kihyun said, grinning. Changkyun cheered with a giggle, making Kihyun laugh as well.

The two made their way to that park, having decided to walk instead of drive there. Changkyun was enjoying the walk, running ahead of him every so often when something caught his attention. At one point, a restaurant is what caught his attention. Kihyun picked up Changkyun.

"Time for food?" He asked, looking at the restaurant. Changkyun nodded, having made up his mind on the place they were standing in front of. Kihyun opened the door up and ushered Changkyun in. Upon entering the restaurant, Kihyun heard a delighted squeal. He looked to it, easily spotting Minhyuk running towards them.

"Kyunnie!" The young boy said, pulling to a stop in front of the pair.

"What are you up to Minhyuk?" Kihyun inquired, bending down to look at the young boy. Minhyuk giggled.

"Daddy brought us out to get food!" Minhyuk proudly announced, pointing to where Hyunwoo and Jooheon were, Hyunwoo watching them carefully. Kihyun offered up a smile to Hyunwoo, giving a slight wave. Minhyuk grabbed Changkyun's hand.

"Come sit with us!" He demanded. Changkyun looked up to Kihyun, asking permission.

"We'll see if Hyunwoo is okay with us joining you three, okay?" Kihyun offered up. Minhyuk pouted, but nodded, finally dragging Changkyun over to their table.

Hyunwoo offered up a small, awkward smile.

"Sorry about Minnie," he apologized. Kihyun smiled at the taller man.

"It's perfectly okay, Hyunwoo-hyung," the shorter said. "Do you mind if we join you guys for lunch?"

"Be my guest," Hyunwoo said, motioning to the empty seat. Kihyun grabbed another chair from a close-by table for Changkyun. Kihyun smiled at Hyunwoo again.

"Thanks," he said, sitting down. The waitress came back just as Kihyun and Changkyun sat down.

"Oh! I see some have joined you," she said, beaming at Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo gave her a small nod. Kihyun gave a polite smile to the waitress.

"Me and him," he pointed to Changkyun, "will be on our own bill. Thank you." He gave her another polite smile. She nodded and gave everyone a smile.

"Well, does everyone know what they want?" She asked, looking to Hyunwoo again. Kihyun rolled his eyes, she was obviously trying to flirt with the larger man, but he was oblivious to it. They were quick to order and the waitress left. Kihyun chuckled looking at Hyunwoo.

"I do hope you know she's trying to flirt with you," he said, cocking an eyebrow with a grin. He placed his chin on his hand as he looked to Hyunwoo. The older man blinked, having not known. "You're oblivious." He giggled. Hyunwoo blushed, but didn't say anything, instead turing his attnetion to the three boys.

"A lot of girls try and flirt with me," Hyunwoo said, his voice soft. "Pretty sure it's just because I'm set to inherit the company." Kihyun nodded, understanding. Hyunwoo raised an eyebrow. "I get the feeling that doesn't happen very often to you, Kihyun."

Kihyun shook his head.

"I don't know how, but I've stayed out of the media's eye this long. Think everyone likes to follow what my dad and older brother are doing," he said with a shrug. "I like it though, gives me more time to learn what I need to take over." Just then, the waitress was back with their food.

"Here you all are!" She said, her voice peppy and happy. "Can I get you anything else?" She asked, her eyes going right to Hyunwoo as she asked. He simply shook his head.

"Would you like to join Kyun and I at the park? We're going there after we eat," Kihyun asked, before he started eating.

"That would be nice," Hyunwoo said with a small smile.

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