Chapter 5

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After eating all their food, and cleaning up a mess left by the twins, the five of them made their way to the park. Minhyuk took off the moment they got there, with Jooheon close on his heels. A sigh escaped from Hyunwoo as he watched them run.

"So much energy, I don't know where they get it from?" He said, exasperated at how much energy the twins had. Kihyun chuckled.

"It's hard to get those two to slow down, huh?" The shorter asked, looking to him. Hyunwoo simply nodded, keeping his eyes on the two as they ran to the playground. Changkyun was still walking with them, looking around as he went. Once they were close to the playground, he made his way to Minhyuk and Jooheon.

"Changkyun seems to listen well," Hyunwoo offered up, trying to make conversation with Kihyun. Ki smiled.

"Yeah. He's shyer and likes to keep to himself, but he really likes to play with Minnie and Joo. They really allow him to come out of his shell," Kiyhun said, smiling as he watched the three play.  Hyunwoo gave a nod, not really knowing what it was like to have a shy child. "He's pretty picky, though."

"Picky?" Hyunwoo echoed, curious. Kihyun nodded.

"He'll only eat certain things, only wants to go to certain places, wear certain things," Kihyun said, sitting down on a bench at the edge of the playground to keep an eye on the three boys. "Sometimes, though, you can get him to eat other things he doesn't like if he gets something that he likes with it."

"Huh, he's an interesting boy," Hyunwoo commented, also watching the three. Granted, he'd look to Kihyun as they sat on the bench together. He did want to get to know the other more, especially since they would end up working together in the future, to a degree. The older opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

"What are you thinking about?" Kihyun asked, without even looking at the elder. A surprised look made its way onto Hyunwoo's face.

"How..." Kihyun looked to Hyunwoo with a gentle smile.

"You're not the best with speaking your mind, Hyunwoo," he said plainly. Hyunwoo gave a small nod, having been told that before. The way that Kihyun had said it, though, with no malice or pity, was intriguing.

"I'd just like to get to know you better," Hyunwoo said after a few moments of silence between them. Kihyun leaned back on the bench and looked at Hyunwoo.

"Any reason why?" He asked with a cocked brow.

"Well, we'll more than likely be working together at some point, due to inheriting our family's companies," he started, but trailed off, not knowing what else to say. Kihyun hummed in understanding.

"For starters, I'm currently getting my master degree in business," he said. Hyunwoo looked to the pink-haired man with a  bit of shock and surprise. Kihyun smiled at that. "It was my idea to go to school and push off inheriting the company. Another part was Kyun. I wanted to be sure I got to spend time with him while he was little."

"What about his mother?" Hyunwoo asked, his voice soft. A sad smile crossed Kihyun's face.

"She left us a few months after Kyun was born. We'd been dating for three years before then. No one really knows what happened to her, she just up and left," Kihyun said, going back to watching the three boys.

"I'm sorry," Hyunwoo said, not sure what else he could say to the other.

"It's fine," Kihyun said, giving him a warm smile. "I just wish she'd said something. Newborn and college were really hard to juggle for a while, but my mom stepped in and let Dad run the company." Hyunwoo gave a nod, understanding how hard things could be. "What about you?" Kihyun asked, his voice gentle as well.

Hyunwoo gave a small smile. "My wife, she died due to birth complications." Kihyun laid a hand on his arm.

"I'm so sorry," he said, his voice true to his words. Hyunwoo gave him another smile.

"We'd been married for two years, but had been dating since school," he explained. "She was my first love."

"That must be rough," Ki said, his voice soft. Hyunwoo gave a small nod but looked to the three boys.

"It is, but I see more of her in those boys every day," he said. Kihyun smiled.

"That's good."

They fell into a comfortable silence after that, watching the boys and taking turns to rescue them or scold them. Any other parents that saw them assumed that they were a couple trying to manage their three boys. Even if they sat in silence otherwise.

After a few hours of playing, Kihyun stood up and clapped his hands together, getting the immediate attention of his son. The youngest of the boys began to make his way to Kihyun right after.

"Where are you going Kyun?" Joo asked as he watched the other head back to the adults. Changkyun looked at him.

"It's time to go?" He said, looking to Kihyun. Minhyuk stood beside his brother.

"But they didn't say anything?" He asked. Changkyun shook his head a bit.

"When Papa claps his hands together, that means it's time to go," he explained, continuing his way over to Kihyun and Hyunwoo. Jooheon and Minhyuk looked to each othe, but didn't follow after. Kihyun grinned and scooped up Changkyun once he was close enough.

"Thank you for coming right away, wolf cub," Ki said before planting a kiss on his cheek. Changkyun giggled and smiled, looking to the twins. Hyunwoo also stood up, looking at his two boys.

"Time to go," he said, looking to the twins. Kihyun also gave them a look from just behind Hyunwoo, causing the two to come over right away. A smile crossed Hyunwoo's face as they came over, having expected to chase them around the park for another half hour. He looked to Kihyun, getting a smile from the other.

"Thanks for joining us at the park," Kihyun said, beaming. Hyunwoo smile back.

"Thank you for joining us to lunch," Hyunwoo said, beaming as well. The other parents at the park swooned at how cute the pair was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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