Chapter 2

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Hoseok made his way to Kihyun's front door. Before he could knock, he was greeted by the short man.

"Hi, Hoseok-hyung," Kihyun said, signaling for the older to come in. "What are you up to?" He asked, not looking back as he packed some stuff from the kitchen. Hoseok sat down at the counter, watching Kihyun as he did his thing.

"Just came over to see if you were busy, but it looks like you are," the brown-haired model said, still watching Kihyun.

"Uncle Hoseok!" Changkyun said, coming over to the man. He reached up to Hoseok, asking to be picked up. Hoseok chuckled and picked up the 4 year old, setting him on his lap.

"Yeah, we're gonna be busy. I met a man at Kyunnie's daycare looking for a sitter for the weekend, but they didn't have anyone available. So I offered," Kihyun explained, not for a second stopping in his packing.

"You offered to babysit a stranger's kids?" Hoseok asked, cocking an eyebrow. Kihyun simply hummed in confirmation. "You're nuts, Ki."

"Maybe," Kihyun said with a shrug of his shoulders, finally stopping to look at Hoseok. "But I know how it can be not being able to have someone to watch your kid." He smiled at Changkyun. That made Hoseok nod.

"Okay, then. I guess it's chill," he thought. "Mind if I tag along. We haven't gotten to hang out in a while with you being so busy with school."

Changkyun slapped his hands down onto the counter. "Uncie Hoseok comes with," he demanded, looking to Kihyun. Kihyun gave a small smile.

"I don't think it could hurt," he mused. "If you're coming with, though, we need to leave now to get there a bit early so you can ask. It's not on me."

Hoseok grinned, "Sounds good!"

The drive from Kihyun's to Hyunwoo's was filled with talk and laughter. Kihyun pulled up, looking to the large house, a bit surprised. Hoseok got out of the car, leaning on the open door a bit.

"Looks like he's loaded," he commented, looking to Kihyun who had gotten out. "Wonder why he goes to the daycare you have Kyun at?" Kihyun shrugged.

"I picked it cause it is a small daycare, prefer them," he said, getting Changkyun and the stuff he had brought with them. "Lets go and introduce ourselves." Hoseok nodded and grabbed the bag from Kihyun. The pink-haired man gave him a quick smile before knocking on the door. The trio was greeted by a butler and a five year old. Changkyun tapped Kihyun, getting his father's attention.

"It's Minnie!" Changkyun squealed, wriggling in Kihyun's arms. Kihyun chuckled and looked to Minhyuk.

"Has your father left yet?" He asked the 5 year old.

"Nope! He's still getting ready," Minhyuk said, grinning. He turned to go back into the house, waving the trio in as he went, more than likely mimicking what he had seen his father do. "Dada!!" He called, running through the halls now. Kihyun chuckled as he set Changkyun down, who stuck close, but definitely looked more curious than this morning when he was told the day's plans.

"Minhyuk, what is it?" Came a deep voice, following his son back to the front door. Kihyun gave him a smile.

"This is my friend," Kihyun introduced, motioning to Hoseok.

"Aren't you Wonho? The model under Chae Agency?" Hyunwoo asked. Hoseok looked a bit surprised, but nodded.

"The one and only," he said with a bow.

"I was curious if it'd be okay if he helped me out for a while," Kihyun said, looking to Hyunwoo. The taller man simply nodded.

"The troublemakers haven't been fed yet..." He said, trailing off. Kihyun waved it off, going further into the house.

"Changkyun and I haven't eaten yet either," he said, looking around.

"Oh. I could ask the chef to make something?" Hyunwoo offered up.

Kihyun turned to Hyunwoo with another small smile. "It's fine, I prefer to cook for myself." Hyunwoo simply nodded. He glanced at his watch.

"I need to be off now. Um, text me if anything comes up?" He offered up. Kihyun nodded before making his way to the living room to be greeted by the twins and his son. Hoseok gave Hyunwoo an apologetic smile.

"He's got a one-track mind," he explained. Hyunwoo nodded.

"Don't wreck the place," he half-joked before leaving the house. Hoseok gave a nod before following after Kihyun. Kihyun looked to the older man and cocked an eyebrow.

"What are you thinking Shin Hoseok?" The pink-haired man asked, picking up Changkyun, making his way to the kitchen with the Sohn twins close behind.

"Nothing, just curious how you, heir to Starship Inc. is babysitting the heir to Sohn Industries kids," he stated plainly, following the group to the kitchen. That made Kihyun stop and look at the older.

"Heir to Sohn Industries?" He echoed, curious. Hoseok simply nodded with a slight chuckle.

"You didn't even recognize him or his name, did you?" Hoseok asked, grabbing Chankyun from Kihyun's arms so the younger could make some food for the five of them. Kihyun shook his head, grabbing his bag and some utensils from it. "You're so stupid sometimes."

Kihyun gave a shrug. "I don't follow all of that."

"You should be! You have to know this stuff, Ki," Hoseok said, throwing his open arm up. Kihyun shrugged and simply went to making them breakfast. Hoseok sighed, defeated by the stubborn pink-haired man. "I'll probably leave around lunch, so you know." Kihyun simply nodded and continued to work. Minhyuk dragged a chair over and climbed onto it, for a better view of what Kihyun was doing. Jooheon quick to join his twin.

"What are you two troublemakers up," Kihyun asked, looking to them.

"Can we help?" They asked together. Kihyun thought for a moment.

"I'm sure there is something the two of you can help with," he said, glancing at everything he had brought with him. The twin were excited to be able to help cook.

"Dada doesn't let us help the chef cook," Joo said with a slight pout.

"He doesn't?" Kihyun asked, glancing to Hoseok quickly, before giving his attention back to the twins. They nodded together.

"Says it's too dangerous," Minhyuk pouted, crossing his arms. Kihyun gave them a smile.

"Well, it can be, but if you know how to be careful and do it right, it's not so dangerous," he said, finding something the two could help out with.

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