I'm taking it slow feeding my flame, shuffling the cards of your game

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Disclaimer: I do not own True Blood or The Vampire Diaries they belong to creators Julie Plec & Alan Ball

Acknowledgments: Beta'd by huntersandangels on AO3. She put up with my crazy writing schedule and helped me put out the best version of this story possible. So without her, this story wouldn't be what it is.
Thank you so much A, I wouldn't have been able to do this without your help.

Chapter Title: Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation

What could a town like Shreveport, Louisiana offer her, Katherine Pierce? One thing, Eric Northman, Vampire Viking God.

Her sources tell her that he is ruthless; he kills without a second thought. Having someone like him will do great things for her. She'll play him like a hand of cards to her advantage.

What is an eternity if not a wicked game to play? And Katherine is one hell of a player. Never a pawn, always a strategist.

Eric Northman sounds like he could be one hell of an ally, just as long he doesn't think he could be the leader. Katherine is the mastermind behind this plan and she needs him to be a soldier. But every game has rules and loopholes; Katherine may know the end game but she needs to form the plan as well.

She's not too sure what she needs to do to draw Northman in but she's sure that he won't turn down the opportunity to fall in between the sheets with her. After all, what else could she possibly offer him?

Eric, even if he proves to be a challenge, will be her greatest conquest. Mere baby vampire Stefan who once loved her could never compare to him.

Walking up to Fangtasia she sees people, human and vampire clamoring to get into the club. A tall blonde woman standing in front of the entrance in a black latex corset. Katherine scoffs. After the 19th century, corsets were no more and isn't she glad about that.

She walks up to the entrance and the woman looks at her before saying, "ID please sweetie, I can't tell how old people are anymore."

ID, is she kidding? She smirks slightly and instead shows her fangs, "That ID enough for you?" She asks.

The woman squints her eyes before undoing the velvet rope letting her in. She lifts her eyebrow before smirking. She doesn't seem scared, even though she's probably a young vampire.

Katherine looks about the club. It's like some trashy wannabe vamp club; dark red walls, black furniture, stripper pole, three chairs on the stage. Northman is sitting in the middle like a King looking over his subjects. How cute.

She walks up to the bar to a man slightly taller than her; black shirt, dreads in his stark black hair and smells human. "What can I get you?"

"How about some AB negative?" She says with a smirk on her face.

The bartender goes and opens a fridge. Katherine frowns; do they have blood bags?

He comes back with a bottle; Tru Blood. No way in hell!; that stuff must taste like plastic. She looks at the bartender, "I meant a human. You know those things that actually give vampires sustenance."

She is well aware that Northman doesn't allow vampires to feed on humans in his club. Let's see if he'll do something about it, she thinks. She is always up for a fight; it's great foreplay.

She turns away from the bar, looking for some human to feed off. There is a man slightly sharking in the corner; looks like dinner is served. She walks up to him, feeling a pair of eyes on her.

"Hi." She says in her best Elena impression, her human doppelgänger, so sweet and innocent.

"Hi." The man says in a shaky tone.

"Do you wanna get out of there?" She asks. He is looking past her, most likely to Eric. The whole club seems to be thirsting after him.

"Do you want him?" She whispers into his ear. His head snaps in her direction, eyes wide.

"Yes," he says breathlessly.

She grabs the human by the neck, pushing him up against the wall, waiting for Northman to do something about it.

In the next few seconds, she is being pressed up against a wall herself by Northman, "I do always like it when a man plays rough."

She looks him up and down, drinking him in. He's taller than her, blonde hair kept perfect, black tank and leather jacket securing his strong arms, fangs in her line of vision.

Looks like he's going along with her plan; such a reliable pawn, following the game plan.

"Who are you?" He asks gritting his teeth at her.

"I'm Katherine," She says letting her voice purr, looking into his blue eyes.

He lets her go making her almost miss the strong grip he had on her neck. Who knows what those hands have done to people? Or what they will do to her if she succeeds...

"You don't smell human," He says.

"I'm not. Just a different breed of vampire than yourself." She says, walking around him, keeping her eyes on his torso.

"How so?" He questions.

"I can walk in the sunlight. It's such a pity that your godlike golden skin will never see the light of day." She teases, laying her complement on a little thick. Why not inflate his ego, make him think he holds all the power.

He studies her closely. He probably doesn't trust her. Good man, letting his instincts lead him.

"Come with me." He says.

She shifts from one foot to another, letting people stare at her following Northman through the club.

They make their way to a room in the back. There is a desk and a few chairs as well as a couch with boxes against some of the depressing beige walls.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Katherine?" He says with a bite to his words, sitting on the edge of the desk. Those words make her skin crawl.

"I was just getting some dinner since I am staying a while. I didn't mean to disrupt your evening Mr. Northman." She says making her voice sound sickeningly sweet.

He cocks his head to the side, taking her in.

"You don't want anything from me?" He asks. Oh, she wants something alright, she just has to wait for him to play right into her hands.

"I may need a little help moving some things into the home I'll be staying in but I can compel a human to do that for me." Her eyes giving away the mischief she is planning when she looks at him next. "I wouldn't be opposed to some company though. The door is always open." She replies, turning to make her leave.

"Ms. Katherine, I never said you could leave." He almost demands with his tone, stern like a military lieutenant.

She lets her smile set in. She turns back to look at him."Yes, Eric?"

"I don't know if I can trust you yet but how would you feel about dinner tomorrow to find out?" He says. It's almost too perfect. She can tell he's looking at her, his eyes falling over her, contemplating where this could possibly take him.

"As in, us chasing down a human and sharing their blood or going to a human restaurant and eating their food?"

"It's up to you." He says.

She looks at him, slightly turning her head. "Fine, 8 pm," She holds out her hand.

He looks at it for a second before placing his phone in her palm.

She types in her number. "I'll text you where to pick me up. The house will be unlocked so you can just come in."

He takes a seat in his chair with a smirk now adorning his face. "I'll see you tomorrow Ms. Katherine."

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