You're dancing with the devil in the pale blue moon

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He wants her... Here she goes again dealing with another 1000-year-old Viking vampire that wants her for some reason. Sure, it's part of her plan but she didn't think it would be this easy. There has to be more, he can't just want her. There has to be something in it for him. It doesn't mean she can't enjoy what little time they spend together.

"You want me to be yours in exchange for finding a Bennett witch?" Why does she even bother asking, of course, that's what he wants. The Petrova Doppelgänger as some type of conquest.

"Yes, just until all of this is over. Unless of course, we both don't want it to end." Really? Who is this guy? This is not what she was expecting when she had heard of Eric; she was expecting Klaus 2.0.

She's not Caroline, Eric can't sweep her off her feet with pretty words and promises that he never intends to keep. Not that it matters. That sort of price to pay had always been a part of the plan, as long as he follows through because she needs that Bennett witch.

"Fine, I said I was going to do it your way and if this is how it has to be, so be it." Just until she can dump his ass somewhere and really be free after all of this is over; it's such a shame, what a fine ass he does have. That doesn't mean she can't have some fun beforehand.

Katherine looks down at the human in her arms looking into her eyes compelling her memories away, "You're going to call the hospital, you were in a really bad car accident. You don't remember what happened."

"I don't remember what happened." The woman whispered back.

Katherine left her on the road, Eric looking at her.

"You can also glamor people,"

"Compel. My kind doesn't call it glamoring people." She says as they start making their way back to Shreveport.

"What else is different about your kind?" Well, it looks like Eric wants to know more about her type of vampire.

"Plenty of things." Keep it vague Kat, can't have him knowing too much. She thought.

"The witch I'm helping you find, what do you know about her?" What is with him? Does he have to be asking so many damn questions?

"Her name is Lucy Bennett, the last I heard of her she was living in New Orleans; don't know if she was a part of the whole witch massacre thing that happened a few years back."

"I guess we'll find out then."

"Yeah. We will." Hopefully, you will. She thought.

"Goodnight Eric," She says, making her way towards the house she's staying in.

"You're not going to invite me in." He says.

"Like you need an invitation." She says making her way up the steps.

Within seconds she's pressed against the side of the house, his lips almost hovering over hers, the feeling of his strong chest pressing into her. "Does that mean what I want it to mean?"

"What do you want it to mean?" She whispers against his lips.

His lips are on hers in milliseconds, hands pulling at her hair. Her arm wraps around his neck, her hand messing his hair out of place. One of his hands falls from her hair, past her, darkness falling over her as her eyes close, hearing the door slam shut. There are sounds of things crashing as they make their way through the house.

Things move at the speed of light until they reach a wall. She lets go of him, her hands falling to the crown molding against the doors that reach her room. She forces her lips from his, removing her jacket before they make their way to the bed, his hands on her waist again, the sound of fabric ripping. Her shoes are somehow gone, as well.

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