Disguised as an angel one night could be fatal

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Everything feels foggy, yet calm. Warm, soft skin in his hands he wants to pull in closer. He feels delicate fingers falling over his arm. He forces his eyes open, looking down to see curly brown hair, delectable body wrapped in a thin white sheet. Katherine.

Last night with her was indescribable; to meet someone who could keep up with him, understand his desires... He lets out a deep breath without needing to.

He moves to get out of the bed, planning to go to Fangtasia and talk to Pam as well as find out what Katherine isn't telling him.

"I thought you would have a little more respect, Eric." He hears Katherine say from behind him. He closes his eyes at her words. Shit! There goes his plan.

"Well, Ms. Pierce. I wasn't aware that you would find my presents so... enticing." He says.

"Not like it matters really, I mean the sun is out." She says making her way to one of the windows away from him, before pulling the curtain back. The sun comes into the room a few feet from where he stands.

Her hand is in the light and she isn't burning. Interesting.

"Looks like you're stuck me with." She says with a smile appearing on her face.


"Blood bag?" She asks once they're downstairs.

"Does it tastes as vile as Tru Blood?" He asks.

"No, the same as human blood, just less fresh." She says making her way into the fridge to pull out two blood bags.

"They notice when they go missing?" He asks taking a seat on the couch.

"Nope, not when you go to a more populated part of the country. California has plenty to spare." She says as she heats the bags in the microwave.

In the distance he can hear a phone ring, "Yours I'm assuming."

She gives him a quick glance before disappearing upstairs.

"You weren't supposed to call me until tomorrow." She says into the phone.

He can't make out the other person's reply. Strange... his hearing never fails him.

"Yes, you'll have what you need before the end of the week. You better keep your end of the deal, or I will tear you apart." She hisses with a growl into the receiver.

God, her threatening to kill someone sounds sexy as hell.

Katherine slowly makes her descent down the stairs.

"Should I be concerned?" He asks.

"My seller. He has a few things I need before we see Lucy." She informs making her way to the microwave, taking out both of the blood bags.

"So, you want A positive or O negative?" She asks making her way towards him.

This should be interesting.


Once the sun is down he bids goodnight to Katherine and is on his way back to Fangtasia. Just as he walks through the door he sees the club is empty, the door to where the back leading to the office opens.

"Where have you been for the last 24 hours? I know it wasn't Sookie who called you." Pam says; she looks upset. Obviously, she doesn't enjoy having to share him.

"I was with Katherine, the vampire from the other night. She is quite interesting." He says.

"You mean that vamp who flashed her fangs at me? If she didn't seem so high maintenance, I would love to sink my fangs into her." Pam says almost jokingly.

"Pam," He warns. Why is he getting like this? Why should he care if Pam wants to sleep with her? That shouldn't be a problem...but... Pam sinking her fangs into Katherine ... it makes his blood boil.

He wants to make Katherine his, he realizes, he wants for his blood to flow through her veins...Oh, how he wants to...

"Why is she so interesting?" Pam asks taking him out of his thoughts. He can tell she doesn't like where this is going.

"She can walk in the sun." He states...

Pam scoffs."Yes, and in another life, I am Angelina Jolie."

He turns away making his way past her.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"To make a phone call." He says opening the door and then closing it behind him.

He pulls out his phone and dials a number that he knows all too well.

"It's Eric, I need you to find out everything you can for me about someone..." He says. "Yes, her name is Katherine Pierce. I need it as soon as possible."

There is an immediate response.

"Tomorrow if possible... Fangtasia will do... I'll see you then." Having everything settled, he ends the call.

When he sees Katherine next he will know everything he needs to about her; she can't keep anything from him.

He may want her but that want won't get in his way of getting what he desires most.

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