And speaking of little Miss Katherine

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The next time Katherine sees Eric is a few hours after he had called telling her that he knew where Lucy was. Well, he works fast. He had said to meet her at Fangtasia before they left for New Orleans to find her.

She enters Fangtasia, only seeing a short blonde woman behind the bar.

"Can I help you?" The woman, a human, asks.

"Yeah, I'm looking for Eric, he asked me to meet him here."

"Oh, he's probably in his office with Pam."

Pam. Who the heck is Pam?

"Do you want me to tell him that you're here?" She asks.

Does the human know anything? Probably not, she seems like she's so brainless they probably compel her for fun.

"Why don't you walk me to his office, I'm sure he would like to see me as soon as he can." The short blonde just nods before walking in front of her.

Her hearing kicks into overdrive as she hears a female voice say, "You don't know anything about her. She could get us both killed just because you want to be able to walk in the sun."

"She was running from a vampire-werewolf hybrid for 500 years because he wanted to kill her and use her in some absurd sun moon curse. She forced herself to survive, and against all odds, she came out the other side stronger." Eric says.

Eric is defending her, praising her, telling this other woman that what she did was a matter of survival. Well, Mr. Northman, it looks like you can be more than just a tool that I use and then throw away. She thinks. But how does he know about the curse? She didn't tell him that. He looked into her, she realizes, had someone find out everything about her...Well played!

"Eric," The blonde says.

"What Ginger?" He yells through the door.

"Someone is here to see you.".

"Let her in," he instructs. "Be nice." He whispers to the other woman in the room.

"They're really nice people," Ginger says.

"I bet they are," Katherine gives her a tight smile before opening the door to see Eric behind his desk with a tall blonde from the back. The blonde turns to look at her. ID lady? You have got to be kidding me! she thinks.

"Well if it isn't the bitch that flashed her fangs at me." Pam apparently, says.

"You know it's rude to ask a vampire their age. Besides what type of vampire carries ID?" She asks.

"Not your kind, that's for sure." The blonde huffs.

Katherine is internally finding a way to kill the bitch without pissing Eric off. Fat chance at that happening.

"Ladies." He says calmly.

"Since you two have apparently met I'll keep introductions quick. Katherine meet Pam, my progeny. Pam meet Katherine, the vampire I'll be helping." Progeny ... like he made her a vampire. Oh, this should be good, she thinks.

Pam opens her mouth to speak, "Pleasure I'm sure." Katherine says.

Pam closes her mouth, having taken the words right out of her mouth. She looks like she wants to drive a stake through Katherine. Oh trust her honey, the feeling is mutual.

"I will be with Katherine while I'm in New Orleans. If you need me you can call me. I need you to look after Fangtasia and Willa for me." He says to Pam.

"Before we leave I'm going to have to make a quick stop, pick up the things from the phone call you heard the other day. My seller was having a hard time getting what I need." Katherine informs him.

Eric looks at her. "Will there be any complications after we meet your seller?" He asks.

"None whatsoever. After all, what I'm getting is for you." She says. Prepare to have your mind blown Northman.

"For me?" He asks.

"Yes, I need you to be able to walk in the sun, my seller has what we need for that." For someone who just hears that he may be able to permanently walk in the sun, his lack of reaction is shocking.

"Then I very much look forward to meeting your seller." He calmly says. I guess not much fazes him.

"Great, we'll leave at nightfall. My guy doesn't want to wait all night," She says making her leave. "Oh, and Eric, you can bring her, so she doesn't shake in her $1,200 dollar boots." She says offhandedly while turning around before looking to Pam.

"You could have done worse." She hears Pam say. Closest she'll get to a compliment from her. She'll take what she can get.

The hours pass by rather slow between Pam staring at her and Eric sitting at his desk acting like a determined Damon. And look where that got him... he turned human and ended up with her shadow self.

They leave right around 8 and are two towns over in no time. They pull up to a ranch style house before Katherine walks in front of them and knocks on the door.

"Charles." She greets as the door opens.

"You bring the cash?" He asks.

"You bring what I need?" She asks back.

He moves to the side of the door handing her a case. "Two vials of faerie blood, doppelganger blood and two lapis lazuli stones in white gold." He says handing her the case.

"Thanks, your money is in the car."

"Can't you get one of them to go get it?" He asks.

"That's not how this works and you know that." She replies.

Charles slowly steps out of the house over the threshold before she grabs him by the neck, "Look at me Charles, once my colleagues and I leave your property you will not remember meeting me. Your daughter will get the treatment she needs for her cancer and if anyone asks who paid for it you'll say that you came into some money. Do you understand?" She asks.

"I understand," he says back. She lets him go before the man makes his way back into the house.

She takes the case walking back to the car, "Why make him forget if you were paying for his daughter's treatment?" Pam asks.

"Because it's better for him if he doesn't know about me. A lot of people hate me and want me dead but I'm not heartless enough to cause a child to suffer something that she can't control." She says before getting into the car.

She can feel Eric's eyes on her possibly wondering, what the point of all of this was.

All in good time, Eric, she thinks, all in good time...

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