Part 6: Friends Forever

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Alex POV: I could tell that Y/n needed a distraction. Her time here wasnt what she had hoped for...mainly because of Elijah. She didnt know if he had feelings for her or not. We arrived at the mall and immediatly walk into Starbucks. We order and sit down. I look into Y/n's eyes...She looked worried and depressed. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. After we got our drinks we sat down and after 5 minutes of saying nothing I decide to break the silence...
A: Soo Y/n whats going on?
Y: I dont think Elijah feels the same way, and even if he did Denis wouldn't let us be together.
A: So thats a pile of rubbish. Elijah obviously has feelings for you.
Y: No offence Alex I think you need stronger glasses...
A: I dont think I do... I saw Elijah's face before we left, he wanted to ask you something but you completely ignored him.
Y: Eh...probably just wants to ask if he can bail on our run are things with Sub, Alex?
A: Pretty bad...he has been staying with his mom for 3 days now...he should come home tomorrow? I think thats what he messaged me about...WAIT A MINUTE!...I just had the perfect idea....If you and I just get Corl and Denis together where Denis is too busy with Braden so you and Elijah can be dating and then Sub is Mine to deal with!
Y: Idk if it would work...especially because there's nothing between me and Elijah and there wont ever be!
I run into the bathroom, tears running down my face. I take a bobby pin out of my hair and break it. Just before I could even think of what i was going to do I hear Alex walk into the womans bathroom. He grabbed the broken bobby pin from my hand and threw it away and he hugged me tightly. "Its going to be alright...even if Elijah isnt the 'one' The one for you is waiting to find you. I promise I will always be there for you Y/n." Just then a sercurity guard walks in and taps him on the shoulder. "This happens to be the womens restroom Sir" He grabs my hand and walks out.
Alex POV: Y/n and I walked out of Starbucks and went into a store. Y/n ran off and came running back to me 5 minutes later with 6 shirts in her hand. "They have F.R.I.E.N.D.S group T-shirts!" Says a very out of breath Y/n. I laugh and pick up the Joey shirt. "Im Joey!" Y/n giggled as she picks up the monica shirt "im Monica! Denis is Ross, Braden is Rachel, Elijah is Chandler and Sub is Phoebe" I look at all the shirts and smile "what about Ethan and Amie?" "They are eachothers soulmates so they dont need characters" I laugh as we pay for the shirts and leave. We decide to head home. At home Elijah walks up to Y/n and says "y/n I need to ask you something..."
A/n: Hope you enjoyed this chapter there was a little bit of a dark twist involving a bobby pin but it was just to show that we all need Alex type of friends that dont care if they get in trouble just to make sure you're alright. Also chapters will be coming out slower because Im writing Exams soon...I will try to post part 7 before that❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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