Part 14: SLEEPOVERS!!!

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Y/n POV:
"ELIJAHHHHH!!!"Ethan yells from the couch "What Ethan?" Elijah replies while playing with Frank's paws."Can Amie and I have Frank in our room for tonight?" "Absolutely NOT! Frank belongs to Y/n and me." I hold Elijah's hand"Just one night wouldn't hurt. Plus we need to record today!" Elijah sighs. "Fine..." I giggle and pull him into his room to record. (A/n: I think you guys know what I was thinking...) "Hey, how you doin fella's. Welcome back and today we have my beautiful, sweet girlfriend y/n here. And we are doing the...Girlfriend does my makeup challenge...I am quite scared. I have never had my makeup done before so I expect to look pretty. You're gonna make me pretty" I laugh "I'm going to make you the most pretty boy I have ever seen! Forget James Charles *Turns to camera* James if you're watching this...Love a silly sister!" " can we start with lipstick?" "No that goes on last, we are starting off by Priming your skin to prevent you from breaking out. After that we put foundation" *starts blending* "That feels weird and amazing at the same time..."  I smile I as finish the foundation and move on to concealer. After blending that out I start contouring his jawline and cheek bones. I even rub my finger on his jawline "Ow I cut myself!" Elijah laughs and tries to give you a kiss. "No stop you're gonna ruin the makeup!" "But I want a kiss!" he whines. I give him a quick kiss and then I start filling in his eyebrows. "What are you doing? It doesn't feel right..." I giggle "I'm filling in your brows" 

(15 Minutes later...)

I put the finishing touches on Elijah's lips and turn to the camera "Aaannnddd we are done!" "We are?" "Mmmhmmm" I beam proudly at the look I have created. "I love your eye shadow! I'm so glad I got the James Charles x Morphe Palette!" Elijah smirks "Can I have a kiss now?...." I roll my eyes "No." I grab the vlog camera and turn it on "Come on! Lets go show everyone my beautiful creation" Elijah shakes his head "NooOoOOo!" I burst out laughing from his voice crack. I give him a soft kiss on the forehead "Dont worry you look amazing. Come on!" I yank him downstairs and start recording peoples reactions. Denis almost had a heart attack when he saw Elijah, Corl burst out laughing, his mom that was visiting for the day told him he looks gorgeous and praises your makeup skills. I blush slightly and show Amie and Ethan who were both busy taking care of Frank. "Woah...thats SICK" Amie exclaims "How did you make Elijah look good?" Ethan asks while Elijah jokingly smacks his shoulder. After fliming the outro we clean up the set up and change into our matching Frank Onsies (Available at the pals store) then we dash downstairs to find Denis and Corl in Sir Meows alot Onsies and Alex, Amie and Ethan wearing the galaxy onsie. And sub was wearing a Chip T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. We all arrange ourselves on sofas. Amie and Ethan on one, Denis and Corl on another, Elijah and Me on another leaving one big beanbag sofa for Sub and Alex. We all grab cozy blankets and start scrolling through Netflix. It was Febuary and it was still chilly so we decided to watch The Christmas Prince. Amie and I got 4 bowls of popcorn and passed it to everyone. Halfway through the movie everyone must've fallen asleep because Frank began whimpering to get on the sofa. I wake up and look at the time. 11:38PM. I hear yelling and run into the kitchen to find Corl and Denis yelling at eachother. They don't notice me at first. "Hey...whats wrong? Why are you guys fighting?" I ask. Corl looks at me with tears in his eyes "Ask your backstabber of a brother." and he races into his room. "What the HECK happend?" Denis sighs angrily "He was rude to a fan on Twitter and he doesn't want to appologize so I told him if he doesn't then he can't be in the pals anymore" I grab my phone from the couch and scroll on twitter. As I read the tweets I grow sad and angry. Sad at the fact that this girl was going through so much and angry at Denis for not even asking Corl what it was about. "Why didn't you try to calm him down first you idiot!" I scold. "Its not my fault he was being rude!" "He needs someone to understand him! Not someone to put him down. What is wrong with you? He is a human and humans make mistakes. We just gotta accept it and move on." I dash upstairs to Corl's to find all his stuff missing. "Braden? BRADEN?!" I knew it right there and then...he was gone.....
Author's note: Sorry I haven't been that active. I was sick for a few days then I went back to school and alnost failed my first term. And I have been really busy with homework and assignments and stuff. Also I started playing Table Tennis or Ping pong at school and I spained my leg. So I will post somewhat spaced but I will update💞  alsooo Im sorry for this chapter being kinda short and sucky next one should be better...I hope...
Ps. There is still no news on corl yet but you can use the hashtag #saveCorlHorl on instagram and twitter oki oki Ima going ✌🏻

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