Forgotten Enamies

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I leaped from roof top to roof top trying to reach the ship that floated over central Florida. At this point, it was landing and causing damage to surrounding buildings. I sent a signal out to the others warning them of an oncoming threat.
Report: large ship landing in Central Florida. Current time 9:30 hours Echo Seirra Tango. All units should be present if another message is sent. Echo Romio, over and out.

I jumped down onto a fire escape and then to the ground as a large door opened on the ship. Three humanoid creatures strode out with swagger and confidence. One sporting a familiar face.

"Hello, sister." She grinned at me, sending one of her wispy arms out to cut me. I dodged the blow and send a throwing knife her way.
"Sagira Rex," I said, as the knife cut her hair and landed in a telephone pole behind her. "To whom do I owe the presence of one 'Ice breathing Squid-queen'? Is it Mr. Rex himself?"

"Father, did not send me. I sent myself!" She exclaimed, annoyed. Her attitude was the I'm better than you because I'm noble born type.
"Who are the blue man group?" I said, nodding towards the two aliens flanking her on both sides.
"Guards," she said with a scoff "but I prefer to do my own dirty work." With that a wispy arm of smoke wrapped around my torso and arms and pulled me close.

"Tell me where they are Emma! That will make this easier on you!"
"Who are they?"
"The pink one and the witch!" She said tightening her grip around me and squeezing the breath out of my body.
"How in hell would I know?! I haven't seen Wanda since I ran into her at a grocery store in Kiev a year ago."
"Peculiar......." by this time I had wriggled free enough to grab the dagger sheathed at my thigh, which I plunged into her heart.

She slapped me back-blue blood leaking from the open wound o her chest.
"This was going to be a clean fight, but now you've pissed me off. Prepare for the fight of your life!"

"Bring it bitch."

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