five long years...

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Sagira whipped one of her arms at Emma who dodged it quickly using her sword to slice it off. Emma knew the only way to disable Sagira for a short amount of time was to chop her head off, this would be a tricky job.

"Where is the mind stone sister? And what of the two you once held?" Sagira growled loudly.
"The current location of the mind stone is unknown by me! I don't remember what happened to the ones that I had because a stupid 'ice breathing squid queen' stole them!" Emma yelled tossing a dagger into Sagira's heart.

"Who is the one who posses such a powerful relic from the universe's past? That much power can not be held by a mortal woman. And what of the power stone? Where have you hidden them foolish girl?" Sagira said, sending a wispy arm into Emma's heart.

She spat blood at her half-sister, and struggled to pick her head up.
"I'll tell you where they are, beloved sister."
"NO!" Emma said jolting out of bed. She scrambled trying to find Dickinson beside her. He was gone. Then she remembered the battle, the struggle to save half the earth. She remembered Jessie.
"Jessie had forced a rift in time, trapping her and Thanos inside. The world around was frozen.

"I'm not going to let you hurt my family. Even if I have to sit here with you forever. I'm not letting you take them away from me!" She said struggling to keep the rift open.

"Let go!" He yelled trying to force the rift open.

"The time stone is useless here!"

"You're an adult! You've had them-"

"No I'm not!" She said changing back to her real self. "I'm just a kid who doesn't want to lose her parents. I'm six, and I've only been with them for two years. I don't want them to go yet! DON'T TAKE THEM AWAY! DON'T TAKE THEM YOU BASTARD!"

"I'm trying to save the universe!"

"By tareing it apart?"

"The resources will go further."

"Why not create infinite resources?" She cried. "Don't take the people or things that we love away! Haven't you had anything you loved before?"

"Don't..." he said before she pulled him back in time, to when he pushed Gamora off the cliff.

"You could create infinite resources and bring her back."

"She wouldn't..."

"If you explained she would. If my Fratiar did that and told me why, I would still love him." Jessie said pausing time again.

"Well I'm not your 'Fratiar'!" He said swiping her legs from under her, causing her to break the rift.

"NO!" She yelled.

"JESSIE!" Emma screamed, she glanced to the purple creature behind Jessie. "Don't. touch. her."
Thor came down and Emma rushed to grab Jessie and started running.

Jessie tripped and lagged behind, then a loud *SNAP* rang through the air.


"JESSIE!" Emma yelled trying to hug her daughter, all that was left was ash.

"Emma..." She turned around and saw Dickinson. His hands were fading. "I-I they're all go-" he blew away in the wind.
"How long did I-"

"We put you under, Emma. You got so violent, it wasn't safe." Nat said from the door way. "I'm sorry."

"Who's gone, in the Avenged?"

"Raven, Luna, Dickinson, Clara, Tachara, Felecity, Viola, Viki, Rebecca, and Jessie." Nat said with a sigh.

"I'm the only one left?" Emma asked.


"How long have I been under?"

"Five long years..."

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