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Wilford's POV.

After I let my assistant off to go home while i lock up, an attractive lady stops the door from closing. "W-wait!" She yells with tears in her eyes, and her hair is wet from the rain. "M-my name is Mackenzie, and I just came to-" I interrupted her. "I'm terribly sorry, but I'm closing up and I'm very tired right now...Maybe come by tomorrow to talk?" I ask her. "O-ok" she replies. As I gave her my card, her fingers touch mine and flinch back, then she grabs it. I hand her a spare umbrella by the door as she disappears into the night. I opened my car door and stood there looking back at her for a moment. I finally snapped out of it and drove home. I had so many questions about this mystery woman...'Why was she crying? Why did she seem desperate?' I went to sleep with Mackenzie stuck in my thoughts...

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