Asking never hurts

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Wilford's POV.

I was on my way home, and still thinking about me and Mackenzie's kiss...'What am I gonna do? What is she gonna do?' When I got to the driveway, I felt really nervous and stayed in the car for a little while. I went inside seeing Mackenzie sleeping peacefully on the couch with a cute, tiny smile on her face. I let her sleep. I went to change into shorts and a T-shirt. I went to the living room for a movie, and Mackenzie was gone. "Mackenzie?!" I yelled...No answer. I ran upstairs and checked her room...Nothing...Empty. I heard a thud downstairs so I went to go check if that was her, but nothing. I sat on the couch starting to worry. 'What if she left?'

Mackenzie's POV.

'He's starting to worry more...Maybe I took this too far. I never really noticed how much he cared about me.' I came out the closest as quietly as I could. He went up to go get something from the kitchen, so I hid behind the couch. Before he sat down, I jumped out tackling him to the floor. "BOO!!" I yelled. He got startled and fell to the floor with me landing on him. "Gotcha!" I said. He blushed and got up quickly. "You're still here? Where were you?!" He asked. He sounded pretty serious. "I-I hid in the closet...I'm sorry" I looked down trying to hide the redness in my eyes from the tears I was trying to hold in. Everytime I tried to hide my tears from John, he'd slap me. He lifted my chin, sighing and said, "It's ok. I get you were pulling a joke, but I just took it too seriously. I'm sorry for yelling." He hugged me. I could hear his heartbeat, and It was beating fast. I wrapped my arms around him, and his heart went faster. 'I felt safe for the first time, in a long time.'

Wilford's POV.

'If I don't ask her on a date now, I know I will regret it later.' "Umm...Would you like to go on a date sometime tomorrow? I'm not working." I asked. She smiled hugging me tighter. "Yes! I was afraid you weren't going to ask!" I chuckled as we both started to watch a movie. I didn't notice until the middle of the movie, but we started to cuddle getting closer and closer. Before I knew it she was sleeping on me making me blush more.

Mackenzie's POV.

I fell asleep on his chest, and hearing him breath in and out with his heart beating just reminded me he had a big heart, and was human too. So he has emotions, and could feel real love unlike John. I listened to his heartbeat for the rest of the night, which means he never got up. 'I'm gonna be happy here...'

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