Dancing 'til the end

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Will's POV.

I knew the perfect spot to take Kenzie. I enjoyed going here with my parents, and it was called...

Mackenzie's POV.

"The Bluewhale? Oh, William...This is all so...Cheezy!" I laughed. He held the door for me as we walked in. 'The first smell was like a slap to the face. It was that one stench that was always found on John...Alcohol...Oh, god.' So many horrible, scarring memories came rushing back to me in the matter of seconds. (Echoed and Faded) "I hope u enjoy it here. My parents always took me here for my birthday or any kind of celebration for that matter. I always ha-"(High pitched ringing)---(Heart beat echoing getting faster)"Kenzie?" I jumped as Wilford called me back to humanity. 'It's all in the past...You're safe now....Move on, and live your life' "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't listening."

Will's POV.

"Are you alright? Here, come sit." I pulled out a chair as she sat down and pushed back in. "Just- The smell just brought back soo many good memories...Abuse, Alcohol, the whole package." She said. "I'm hoping that was sarcasm." I chuckled. She looked up at me and frowned. I cleared my throat. "Well, we could always leave if you want...?" "Oh no, I want to stay! I'm sorry for bringing the mood down." I lifted her chin and rested my thumb right below her bottom lip. "Stop apologizing...You have nothing to be sorry for." She smiled warmly. "You're right, sorry...Damn it.!" I chuckled and kissed her cheek. We sat there as we listened to 'Ben Wendel's, Upwelling' I noticed that Kenzie was tapping her foot to the slow, soothing rhythm while rocking side to side. I smiled and stood in front of her. She was confused at my actions. "May I have this dance?" I held out my hand as she took it.

I slow danced with her as she rested on my shoulder. I layed my head on hers as we rocked back and forth. Near the end of the song the tempo picked up a little and so did our feet moving in sync as we swayed. It slowed once again as I spun her around and dipped her at the end on the finishing note nice and slow. I picked her up and smiled at her shocked face, while the crowd cheered on the band. "How- W-Where-...Where did u learn that?" She asked still stunned. I chuckled and answered, "I'm not just a pretty face, Kenzie...And...My mother, she's a dance teacher...was a dance teacher. Taught me as soon as I could walk and talk." I got up and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be right back." I turned around and was stopped by Kenzie tugging on my sleeve. "Wait! W-Where're you going?" "To the bathroom. It's ok."

Mackenzie's POV.

I hugged myself as I was aware of my surroundings. 'Everytime John left me, he got mad at me when a man came up to me'...I got up to get a drink and calm down, but then a man ran into me. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didnt see you there." I tried moving to the side but the man's arm was in my way. "Your a sight for sore eyes aren't you?" He said caressing my cheek. I shivered at his clammy touch. "Thanks." I replied coldly wiping his hand off of me. I smelt the gallons of Vodka in his mouth and gagged. John loved that kind and always drank it. "Excuse me sir, let me by." I said slightly shoving him getting more rough and raising my voice. "Gimme a kiss." He slurred. I tried slapping him away, but he caught my hand and pinned it and the other to the wall. My memories of John wanting to do things to me came rushing back. "NO!!" I said kneeing him in the gut. He groaned in pain then laughed. "You Fucking BITCH!!!!" He yelled as he slapped me. I yelped and heard the sound of a belt unbuckling above me. He lifted my dress and started sliding off my panties. "GET YOUR NASTY ASS HANDS OFF OF HER!!!!" I heard a booming voice from the back and the sound of grunts, punches landing, and glass shattering....Bits of blood spattered on the floor next to me. "Wilford...?" I said shakily. '
'I saw him smiling as he looked at the man,'
then frowned. "No, it's ok. Are you alright?" He asked as I nodded. He picked me up, and carried me all the way back to where his car was. I felt everyone staring at us...They picked up the man who grabbed me, and waited for the police to take him. 'Thats alot of blood...' He carefully put me in and drove home..."Did he hurt you? What did he do?" Will carried on with his concerned questions as I was thinking of what happened back there. "I'm ok." I shook it off putting my hand on his cheek.

Will's POV.

I smiled on the outside as I drove the rest of the way silently. We both got ready for bed and said our good nights. "Most of this has been so much fun." "Sorry. Well, most of the pleasure's all mine, Kenzie." I said bowing as she giggled kissing me on my forehead and bowing as well.

Mackenzie's POV.

As he started to walk off, I tugged on his shirt to stop him. "Where are you off to?" "Uuh, Bed?" He questioned. I giggled as I let go of his sleeve. "Didnt I say I didnt want this night to end? Take me to one more place, please?" "If you insist m'lady" he replied. We went to go change in something comfy and went to the car. "So where are we gonna go?" I asked. "You'll see..." He replied. I sat back relaxing and smiled a bit from the tingle going up my spine. 'This should be fun...'

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