3. Cute.

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8:37 AM

"Remember Unnie, It'll start snowing soon!"
Jungkook and Jimin yelled, smiling at their Friend.

You just ignored them and left the bus, entering the school grounds.

Was all you left out before continuing your walk.

Until a small hand grabbed your hand.

It could be any of those 7 Idiots considering you have a hand bigger than theirs.
Your hand was 21 cm.
While theirs, were below that.

Who's the person holding your hand right now?
Time to find out.

well, no shit.

You turned around and didn't even bother to get shocked or get confused.

"Hello, Yoongi."

You said, looking down at Yoongi.
He turned his head and puffed his cheeks out.

Aww. He's shy.

"What's the matter?"
You asked, turning your head and continuing on your walk with him following you, thanks to something sticking your hands together, like glue.

"Why are you asking?"
He suddenly snapped, turning his head to look at you. With his ears and cheeks tinted red.

"Do you have a problem with asking?"

"The fuck? No!"
He screeched, hitting your arm with an angry look on his face.

You didn't really care about the hit.

I mean...he hits like a girl.

"You hit like a girl."
You blurted out, smirking as he snapped his head to look at you, with his pink-ish face now turned into red.

"I'm not a girl!"
He suddenly yelled, yanking his arm away from you and crossing his arms.

"Did I say were? I just said you hit like one."
You said while shoving your hands in your pockets.

"You son of a-"

"Correction: Daughter."
You suddenly said, grinning evilly.
He was about to throw you a punch, until-

"YAH YAh yah, what's going on here?"
Jin and Hoseok piped in, while Yoongi lowered his hand and looked away.

"Oh, peachy."
Yoongi answered, you shook your head.

"Don't worry Y/n, you'll just have to warm up to him."
Jin whispered, nudging you while smiling cheekily.

You rolled your eyes and grunted.
"Yeah, suuuurrreeee......"


11:26 AM

You looked outside the window, watching the snowflakes either fall on the ground or hit the window.

".....ello? Hellooooo? Earth to Y/n, Y/n to earth! Are you there?"
Jin yelled, shaking you slightly while you snap back to reality.


"What do you mean 'Oh'?! Tomorrow will be the start of our winter break! So that means-"

"We have 3 weeks to enjoy our lives and not worry about school."
You cut him off, rolling your eyes while he sighed.


My Tsundere Neighbour | M.YG FFWhere stories live. Discover now