• The REAL ending •

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(Listen to the song above.)


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Yoongi woke up with a gasp.
Hands on his chest as he hyperventilated.

Finally, his breathing steadied and he stepped out of bed, putting on his slippers as he went to the kitchen to make himself a snack.

It was Saturday, so he didn't have to worry have to worry about school.

A knock came from his door, and so he went to that door and opened it.
"Good morning, how may I fucking help you?"
He asked, not looking at the stranger and leaning on the wall besides him.

"I'm back.


Yoongi looked up and almost choked on his coffee.


Jungkook grinned and spread his arms, signalling him for a hug.

Yoongi chuckled and accepted his hug.
"I'm only doing this because I wanna know if you're real."



"Can you follow me for a second? I wanna show you something."



Yoongi followed Jungkook, looking around with snow and flakes falling around them.

Until he bumped into Jungkook.
"The fuck? Why'd you stop?"

Until he saw his friends.

Namjoon sitting behind the tree with Taejin holding Hands.
Jimin and Hoseok running around like children

Yoongi rubbed his eyes and looked up again.

They all were there, he was 100% sure.


And they all looked at him then tackled him into a hug.

"I miss you all so much..."
He sniffled.


"So how'd you all survive? You all were killed last time I saw you.."
Yoongi asked, scratching his head while about to listen attentively.

Jimin sighed.

"Where do we start...?"

"It's a long story, so in short.
Y/n helped us rise from the dead. In shorter.
She's a great friend"
Jimin answered, chuckling and running his hand through his hair.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked up.

"Wait, why is there a pair of shoes hanging from that branch?"
Yoongi asked, pointing to the branch above him.

Hoseok sighed, fiddling with his sweater.

"It's kinda a 'silly rumour' me, Jimin and Y/n believed. but when you tie a dead person's shoes together and hang it on power lines or tree branches, it signifies that someone has died. The shoes belong to the dead person. The reason they are hanging is that when the dead person's spirit returns, it will walk that high above the ground, that much closer to heaven." Hoseok said, scratching his nape.

"So, before we came back, Y/n asked us to find her shoes and tie it together on a tree branch."
Jimin added, the others nodding while Yoongi nodded his head slowly in understanding.

"We made it a promise."
Hoseok sagged and smiled sadly.

Yoongi looked away and sighed.

"Oh, by the way."
Yoongi looked at Jungkook.

"We promised her we would protect you, just like the way she did to you."
Jungkook said, Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Despite you emotionally hurting her, rejecting her and frantically sister-slash-friendzoning her."
Jungkook paused, Yoongi felt shame and guilt starting to cling onto him like a second skin.

"She still cares for you."
And that's when one teardrop fell from Jimin's eye.
And Yoongi duck his head low and rubbed his arm that were filled with scars and cuts.



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