The Dream

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I sat up so fast I almost fell out of bed. Beads of sweat covered my five-head as I let out a shamefully loud sigh of relief. I reached out into the dark- hoping that a demon wasn't going to grab my hand or something- and fumbled around a bit until I found the light switch. Then I scanned my room for any potential threats or murderers that could just be sitting there because hey- you can never be too cautious. I poked my head around the curtain and made sure that I wasn't being watched by... i don't know, literally anything- my imagination was running wild at this point, and I couldn't forget to check the wardrobe because that's where all the scary monsters live, and to my fortune I found nothing.

It was then finally safe to sit and analyse what the frik just happened.

The dream was about me. My bright orange hair tumbled down my shoulders, framing my ever-so gorgeous face (I'm trying out this new body positivity thing- my face is actually pasty and spotty with dark bags hanging underneath my eyes). My thighs were awfully proportioned like normal and my feet were still unusually small and flat. My butt stuck out and my back was hunched. Everything seemed normal.

Except the baby bump.

A huge bump stuck out from my middle, and the baby must've been kicking because my goodness it hurt.

Then I saw a baby, calling to be cradled. Her small stubby arms reached out and her tiny fingers grasped my pinky. Little tufts of pink hair poked off her head and sparking blue eyes reached deep into mine. I picked her up and as soon as I did, the horrors began.
She began to scream. I don't know why. There was no control.
Everybody has one thing that drives them crazy- makes you feel sick to your stomach. Well mine is crying babies.
The torture continued for what seemed to be a lifetime until I awoke, drenched in sweat and tears, a sharp pain tearing at my stomach, and -

That's when I realised it. The hard, cold truth. The truth to end all childhood truths.

I was only eleven, but it couldn't be any more abundantly clear.

I slowly reached my hand down my shorts and as I pulled it out, blood soaked my fingers.

This is going to be one helluva journey.

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