The Red Sleepover

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Kay so the title is a game of thrones reference just so you know :))
Also changing names x

It was August 13th 2018, and even though i had had my period for 3 years now, i still couldn't get the hang of not spreading blood wherever i go.
At least once every period, i would get near the end and think ' omg i didn't leak on my seat at school, i don't need to change my bedsheets, anyone who does the washing doesn't have to know that i'm bleeding!' But every single time, i managed to spill a small pool of blood somewhere. However this next story is probably the worst leakage i'd had yet.

So all Saturday morning i had been suppeeerrrr excited. I got up at 9.30, packed my bag, brushed my teeth, had my daily meltdown and marveled at my glorious shining five-head. And by 12 i was ready to go.

I was off to my best friend's (let's go with Mabel woah she is gonna be pissed) for a sleepover with (mmmm we'll say Carla lol) Carla the slightly inferior ginger one and my god we had loads to do. Carla had brought a huge bag of popcorn for each of us and I had brought a HUGE pack of Haribos for us each, and Mabel (still can't get over this name it's kinda cute ops on this) had her parent's fridge.

Being a 13 yr old girl, i was still self-conscious about my ever-changing body and so me being on my period was to be kept a strict secret.

Or so i thought.

I had a great time: we complained about people, texted a girl i was crushing on, we watched some RiverFail, ate an excessive amount of food, walked to the chippy, and topped it all off with some late night gossip.

I was having such a good time; my mind completely banished the idea of me being on my heavy period. The idea that i was vulnerable to leakage.

The idea that i may need to change my pad.

So the next morning i woke around 9-10 and Carla was talking about how me and Mabel sleep-mumble to each other (in all honesty i have no recollection of this but apparently we both sleep mumble) but i couldn't concentrate. My mind was elsewhere. On my vagina.

I sprinted out for 'a glass of water' and started downstairs. I looked at the floor first, where we had sat and played an intense game of star wars monopoly (there was a LOT of screaming). A dried red puddle sat there. Glaring at me with it's little dried-up clots as eyes. I grabbed a roll of tissue from Mabel's kitchen and started to scrub it off.

Then i moved on to the couch, where a red smear was almost part of the white leathery material. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and got most of it off. Until i heard the loud thumps of Mabel's younger brother. Bit of context about him: whenever i come over he goes "oh my god we took you to chessington (they have a pass so i got in for a fiver) is that not enough?'. So he wasn't the biggest fan of me. I whipped my head round in search of a space to hide and quickly settled to under the table. He ran in and out the kitchen with one of those pancake toast things, pausing infront of the sofa. I could feel the heat rising up my neck. No. There is no time for emotions.

After glancing at my now faint red stain he ran back upstairs and i emerged from my hiding spot and continued to scrub at the couch.

Until i realised it was everywhere!! On the floor! On the other couch! On the stairs! I ran up to the bathroom and there was a puddle on the toilet seat!!!

I tried to casually walk back into Mabel's room. My face was burning by now and there was probably a huge bloody blob on the back of my shorts but i didn't care anymore.

'Heya, that was a reaaal good glass of water woah. I mean seriou-'

I paused mid sentence.

No one was listening to me. No one had any clue that i was even talking.

Mabel and Carla had their eyes looking elsewhere, their jaws dropped in shock.

They stared at the huge. No, massive. I would stretch as far to say ginormous. A stain the size of my size 4 foot.

A stain of blood.

'Oh shit.' I mumbled.

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