Bodyguard-Justin Bieber Part 1

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You woke up by listening a sound 'beap beap' its your alarm, you got up from bed and did your morning routine then you go to your wardrobe to choose a dress.

You woke up by listening a sound 'beap beap' its your alarm, you got up from bed and did your morning routine then you go to your wardrobe to choose a dress

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this is your outfit and makeup*

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this is your outfit and makeup*

mom:Y/N come for breakfast *she yelled from kitchen*

Y/N: yes mom coming* you respond back and went to kitchen*

mom:Good morning sweety:)

Y/N:Good morning mom.

maid:Miss your breakfast is ready* she serves your meal*

Y/N: Mom where is dad*you asked*

Mom: He already went to office,well i'm leaving too bye sweety.

Y/N: Bye mom.

Mom:And ya i forget to tell you that you will have a bodyguard.

Y/N:But why mom? There is no need .

Mom: Sweety me and your dad are very conserned about your safety since we are the richest family in Canada and our there are many people wanting us to die .So you need a bodyguard for your safty. And you are having a meeting with us tomorrow Okay?*she smiled brightly*

Y/N: Yes mom.

Time skip~Next day

again you woke up and checked you phone . Its 8:30 in morning ,you go to bathroom and did you morning routine choose an outfit and got downstairs to kitchen .

 Its 8:30 in morning ,you go to bathroom and did you morning routine choose an outfit and got downstairs to kitchen

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Y/N:Good morning mom.

Mom: Morning Y/N did you sleep well.

Y/N:yes mo-- *door bell*oh lemme see.*mom nodded*

you open the door *FROZE as you saw* a handsome, sexy, tall figure standing in front of you wearing a black suit.

???:Good morning Miss Y/N. I'm Justin your bodyguard

He takes your right hand and slowly kiss it.

Justin's POV (point of view)~Woow she is is prettier that other girls, her smile, her eyes, her lips, her soft and smooth skin. End of POV


Y/N:*while waving your hand towards his face*uh umm... am i that much pretty?

Justin: uh Y-Y-Yeah you are,oh i mean shall we go inside?*you blush at his reaction*

Mom: oh Justin you are here, we are glad to choose you as my daughter's bodyguard please keep my Y/N safe.

Justin:yes, sure mam and i'm also glad to be Y/N's bodyguard.

Mom:Let's go Mr. Lee is waiting.

author's note : Mr.Lee is Y/N's dad.

Time Skip~after meeting

Mr.Lee:So Justin you can start working from tomorrow.

Justin:Okay Thank you sir.

Y/N's parents leave the room while you both were alone.

Justin's POV

*thinking*It will be interesting to work for this pretty girl *smirks*

*thinking*It will be interesting to work for this pretty girl *smirks*

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