Bodyguard- Justin Bieber Part-9

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'sir we found the murderers and it's a group which contains 5 members their leader is Harry Styles, and the group is called 1 direction. They are not much famous but they said to be dangerous. The members are - Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Liam Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne   ' the cops informed. 'Okay, my bodyguard group will look after them' Justin told.' Sir, we will also help you' the officer said. Justin agreed' sure, so let's make it'.
'Sir we are already up with a plan' one of the cops suggested. 'Ma'am we need your help too' ' sure, anything '

Time skip~ Next day
Y/N's POV~ At the headquarters of the gang

'so we're ready with our plan' cop-1 said. 'Ughhhh why I have to do that ?!?' Y/n said with annoying tone. 'Just go into the building' Justin commanded. 'Ugrhh I hate you *leave them* Oh my God whom I'm kidding he's adorable' *the last words were mumbled*. I got into their office without knocking the door and get to Harry's table and sit on his laps. Everybody except Harry got chocked on their saliva, but he was emotionless. I started to grinding onto him and moving simultaneously. He first stared at me but I didn't make any eye contact, but after a few minutes I found a small smirk on his face. After facing that look on this face I got off by his lap and moving on to the others. The co-workers were already left so it was easy to manage the plan. But suddenly the fire alarm started to ring. I started to walk out of the office. 'wait who ringed the buzzer, because there's no one except us in the office.' Liam asked. 'oh it's automatic' ' so what we are doing here we should run for our lives' 'everybody run run run'

everyone got out of the office. 'we can't use the elevator' 'sh*t ' 'that means we have to use the stairs for getting down to the ground floor from 9th floor' 'ughhhhh' 'just run now'. Everyone. 

They all reach the front door. It was all surrounded by the cops.
' Ha no way to escape' The Cops tied the handcuffs onto the murderers but one, Harry escaped from there and ran to the back door of the building. He opened the door and welcomed by a side whip kick served by Justin, Harry fell on the ground but still, he didn't give up, he stood up and the fight between them begun. The voices were so loud to hear that I can even hear it while standing at the first gate of the building. Then some of the cops which were standing beside me ran to the back door as they reach there they both the Justin and Harry fighting. Justin punched Harry hard at the neck along with a kick which laid on his lower abdomen, Harry laid down on the floor and then cops handcuffed him and took him to their van. The officer thanked Justin to help him and other. Now the 1 direction will live in the prison for their entire life me and Justin took a deep breath of relief.
As it was the time for lunch Justin took me to his favorite restaurant. We entered the restaurant one of the waitress came to us "table for two" Justin asked "sir, please follow me" we followed the waitress and she showed us a table with two chairs. Justin took one chair out like a gentlemen do and gestured me to sit. We both seated and then a waiter came towards us for the orders. First he saw me and smiled at me brightly, I smiled back too but I can see by the corner of my eyes that anger is building up in Justin. He fake coughed to gain attention, I stick my eyes at him. "May I take your order please" the waiter asked. We ordered our food and after few minutes the waiter is back with our food, again he smiled at me brightly but I just stare at the food which he served. After eating we get back to car and Justin drive away, the speed of car was more than then speed limit sign board on the road side. " Justin please slow down the car" I asked him politely and curiosity was building up inside me, but he didn't listen to me.
"Justin please slow down" I asked with little anger but still he didn't even glanced at me. "JUSTIN SLOW DOWN" I screamed as loud as I can, as knowingly he was in too much anger with trail of thousands of thoughts, he snapped back and applied breaks " Justin what happened?!? Please tell me" I asked with curiosity. "Nothing..." he replied "Justin please, tell me..." " that waiter guy was flirting on you...and you were..." his cracking voice made me speechless and want me to give him a hug, that I can't because of shyness and nervousness.
We both just stare at each other's eyes.
Without hesitating Justin took my one hand and intertwined it with his, again he started driving because the red signal turned into green. The whole car ride was filled with silence.
My heart was beating really fast, I can't think properly also there is a weird feeling like butterflies in stomach... .
After some time of the ride we made it home, again just like a gentlemen he opened the car door for me, I got out and he gave me a forehead kiss, he got inside the house while I was still processing what really just happened, I smiled at myself and get inside.

Hello, if you notice that I changed the format of writing please reply and also vote and comment, I really need the help by you guys for a rise your interest in my ff will motivate me and only then I can update fast.

For this chapter of my fan fiction bodyguard there is someone who helped me alot and supported me. Thank you so much yashvi2006. I request who is reading my books please read her books too, her books are my favorite. Again thanks a lot to yashvi2006.

Thank you~

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