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~Bella's POV~

As we sat down to watch the concert the boys headed backstage. People started flooding through the doors and the room was filled with crying girls and noise, so much noise. Within 15 minutes everyone was in the arena seated or in their places and the show was about to start. This wasn't my first concert but it was my first why don't we concert, my first ever concert was a Panic! At The Disco concert so it was pretty big so I was prepared for this one. Lights started flashing around the arena and Cold In LA started playing. spotlights turned on over each boy as they started to sing and the sound of screaming girls got louder and louder. Jack looked over at me a few times during the performance but I just brushed it off thinking he needed a familiar face to see. Corbyn looked at Hayley through almost all of the performance and I could tell that she was happy about it. The concert went by pretty quickly but my Instagram story was the longest one I had ever seen so tonight I knew I would have to highlight it all. Daniel kept looking at Julia and every time he did, she almost passed out again. When the concert was coming to an end I started getting even more excited to hang out with the boys after and talk to them some more. When the boys finished performing 'Hard' the crowd went insane as they walked off stage finishing the show. When the crowd started leaving, the ones with meet and greet tickets went through to see the boys and give them gifts and other stuff while me and the girls got escorted backstage to where the boys would be after talking to the other fans. While the boys met fans and took pictures I went back to the stage and climbed onto it, I started singing 'My Boy' by Billie Eilish and then realized that one of the microphones was still on. I picked up the mic and listened as my voice filled the arena until Jack walked in with his jaw dropped.

"Wow. You can sing." He said slowly walking up to me.

"Oh uh thanks, I didn't know you guys could hear me..." I replied nervously.

"What are you doing after this?" He asked me.

"I don't know, probably getting pizza." We both laughed at my sentence.

"Well, why don't we all hang out? Or just us..." He whispered the last part and I shivered slightly.

"Uh, sure... Are you sure the others won't mind?" I asked.

"Oh, it'll be fine. Stop worrying." He laughed.

"If you say so..." I said looking toward the door to where my friends were. I hated it when my anxiety got the best of me, it wasn't easy agreeing to leave my friends for someone I just met but this might be the only time I get this opportunity. I went to tell the girls that we were leaving and they told me to text them when I left. Jack called an Uber and I stood next to him scrolling through Instagram realizing that the rest of the boys followed me back too. Eventually the uber pulled up and we got inside, Jack wouldn't tell me where we were going though. We drove for about 15 minutes and ended up outside of an adorable little coffee shop with fairy lights everywhere. We walked in and a lady walked us to a small table with swings hanging from the ceiling as chairs and candles scattered around.

"This is my favorite cafe, I come here to think a lot." He said once we'd sat down.

"It's beautiful, I can see why you like it so much," I replied, looking around as he smiled like a goof.

"What do you want to drink? Their hot chocolates are to die for." He asked drooling at the thought of the hot chocolates.

"Well, I guess I'll get the hot chocolate." I said laughing at him.

"Good choice." He laughed back.

We ordered our drinks and when they came they looked so good I didn't even want to drink it so I took a few photos with Jack in the background and posted them on Instagram.

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