He did what?

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~Bella's POV~

We decided to search up the case on youtube and sure enough, we saw a video by Kendall Rae on my disappearance and story so we watched it. As it turned out, Patrick had escaped jail, moved to Australia until they stopped looking for him, changed his name and came back to California, but no one found him. When we called the police they said that they closed the case a few months ago because they found a dead body they thought was Patrick... We gave them the license plate number and decided to try and keep calm. Jack had gone down to the kitchen to get us water and I couldn't shake the feeling that someone, something was watching me. Even though I knew Jack would protect me, I was terrified. When I heard Jack coming up the stairs I got into bed and pulled a blanket over me. When he walked in he looked nervous as he handed me a water bottle and sat on the end of the bed.

"Hey Bella, do you feel like someone's watching us?" He asked with a shaky voice.

"Yes... You do too?" I replied.

"Yeah... Maybe we should call everyone else and tell them to come over." He suggested.

"I'll text our group chat, you text the boys." I said.


We texted everyone to come home and within about 30 minutes everyone arrived. We stayed in my room and let them come upstairs as we sat in my bed talking about anything that would keep our minds off of the strange feeling of being watched. Once everyone came in I explained everything that was happening and that we had this creepy feeling. The atmosphere in the house was off and everyone picked up on it so I asked the boys if we could stay at their house for the night and they agreed to take us there and let us stay until we were ready to go home. We started packing some overnight stuff and got in our cars, Julia, Daniel, Jack and I in my Jeep with Jack driving us. Hayley, Corbyn, Hana, and Jonah were in Hana's car and Autumn and Zach in her car. It was a 30-minute drive to the boys' house so when we got there we were tired and ready to pass out. Jack refused to let me sleep on the couch and told me that he would so I could take the bed so he took me up to his room and showed me where everything was. I lay on his bed and put my AirPods in turning on 'Listen Before I go' by Bille Eilish and closed my eyes. I was so tired but I couldn't fall asleep, I didn't want to be alone. I got up and turned my phone flashlight on so I could find my way down the stairs to the living room to see Jack. He was already asleep so I lay in front of him and closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around me and I slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up in the morning I was facing Jack with my face buried in his neck while he played with my hair with closed eyes. I mumbled a "Good morning" and he hugged me while I thought about what had happened last night and where I was. I'm at the Why Don't We house... In Jack Avery's arms... In his bed... Jack explained that in the middle of the night he woke up to see me hanging off the edge of the couch in front of him so he carried me up to his room so I wouldn't be uncomfortable. We were still just laying there with our eyes closed now listening to Corbyn, Hayley, Daniel, and Julia in the kitchen trying to make pancakes. Jack and I drifted in and out of sleep for a few hours until we eventually decided to get up and get on with the day. He got up slowly and dragged me off of the bed onto a soft fake sheep-skin rug while I sighed knowing that I had to actually get up. I pulled myself up and yawned barely able to keep my eyes open.

"Can you carry me?" I asked Jack sleepily.

"I guess. You better not be heavy" He laughed and turned around so I could have a piggyback ride and we went straight to the kitchen to make sure that it wasn't on fire. To say the least we weren't convinced that Julia and Daniel were capable of making pancakes, Corbyn and Hayley were responsible so we trusted them but we still had to check.

Author's note

Word count: 780

I kinda like this chapter but it could be better so the next update will be coming soon.

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