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~Bella's POV~

"I really like you too Jack but if I say yes, do you promise you won't rush me into being a mother for Lav?" I asked worriedly.

"I promise. I won't rush you into anything you're not ready for." He told me with a warm smile.

"Then yes," I said and reached over to hug him. Lavender started giggling and I got out the car with her and took her into the house seeing Jonah on the couch.

"Hey, Jonah can you help me and Jack get some stuff out the car please?" I asked as I set down the baby carrier to go back outside.

"Sure. What do we need to get?" He asked.

"Lavender's crib and stroller." I replied.

"Oh my god, when was she born?!" He asked frantically.

"Yesterday but we'll explain later why we have her," I said as calmly as I could while we walked outside. We carried everything inside and set it up in Jack's room but I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong. Jack was laying on the couch with Lavender so I told him I was going home with the girls because something felt off. 

We all drove home in separate cars and when I got there I knew something was going to happen. I ran inside and went to my room, I could smell smoke, I packed up my things as fast as I could and the rest of the girls did the same. We ran out of the house with all our stuff and looked back as flames, moved forward from the back rooms of the house and destroyed the home we had worked so hard for. All of a sudden Autumn ran into the house yelling about her cat... Her cat ran out from the side of the house and Autumn hadn't come out. We had already called 911 but by the time they got there, Autumn was gone... We knew we couldn't do anything so we called her parents and told them everything while we cried like crazy. They were getting the closest flight they could and would be arranging her funeral as soon as they could. We watched through cloudy eyes as a firefighter carried Autumn's body. I couldn't bear to see her getting taken away so I texted Jack.

Bella💝💘💜: The house was on fire. We packed up before we saw any flames because I smelt the smoke but when we got out the whole house was in flames. Autumn ran back inside trying to get the cat. She's gone. The rest of us will be there in 15 minutes.

Jack💘💖💜: Okay... I don't know what to say... Come home quick please I want to help you.

Bella💝💘💜: I'm on my way

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