Chapter 6 - The Magic Of The Waves

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Nate woke up in a panic. Another riot was going on in the main area, around the bonfire once again. It had been 4 years since Dark took over, and almost everyone had given into the way of the "Daggers."

All except Nate and Cristina. They had actually adjusted to the change well, but they refused to join in with the crimes of the other Daggers. Instead, they spent their time hiding in the shadows, dedicating themselves to the stealth aspect of thievery. They knew that eventually, Dark and the other Daggers would push them to focus on offense. 

And that was why they had to leave as soon as possible. 

Anyone who thought that they could rise up from under Dark and bring back the peaceful ways of the Diggers was long dead. Made examples of. The peaceful reputation of the Diggers had been erased on the surface above, as Daggers made their way up to rob and tormet the surface dwellers. 

Dark told everyone tales of the Hopes; the clan he had originally come from. How they were weak, cowardly. They should be destroyed; only the strongest of them should be allowed to survive, and only as a Dagger. That was how Dark got the idea for the games. He determined that when the time was right, and hiring season was in, they would begin a series of games, killing off as many Hopes and castle servants they could find. Nate and Cristina had already seen one of these games, and they did not plan on seeing another. 

At first, Cristina was desperate to bring down Dark from the inside. But as the world around them grew darker, more... evil, they started to realize that the Diggers were long gone. They had to leave, and it had to be soon. 

Nate and Cristina had just turned 16. Before, Nate especially would never have dreamed of leaving the safety of the lower dungeons. But times were getting desperate. So late one night, Cristina came by in the dead of night with a torch at the ready, and a bag full of all the coins she had left; two coins, but it was still enough. They hoped to start a little farm together; maybe open up a shop far away. Stow away on a ship and take up residence across the sea, safe in a cozy little hut deep in the woods where the dreaded Daggers could never follow them. 

Nate had done a fair bit of exploring, now that the rules put in place to protect the Diggers had been removed. And he managed to find a secret unknown to almost everyone. It was little more than a crack in the wall, but it lead to a little hideaway - only the size of a child's bedroom, and it was practically a cave, but he and Cristina used it when they needed some time away from the noise. 

Nate had spent so much time there, that he and Cristina finally noticed something coming from between the cracks of the walls, something that the Daggers had long erased, or so they thought. 


Cristina jumped up right away the day they finally noticed it. She started tearing at the little silvery cracks, trying desperately to find the light on the other side. And then, it made way. 

It was a mudslide; leading up to the surface. But because everything had become so dry recently, it wasn't slippery anymore. Perfect to climb up. Nate and Cristina spent weeks digging it out more and more, trying to make it so that they could fit through. Eventually, the hole got big enough for them to crawl through, although it was a fairly tight squeeze. 

They were ready to go. 

Cristina came out first. It was a pleasant sight, seeing the light, glowing brightly up above as Nate climbed up, making sure to block the way behind him so that no one could find it. Looking up, he could see Cristina reaching out to him. He smiled and grabbed her hand, allowing her to pull him up. 

They fell back onto the grass, Nate falling on top of her. They may have found it awkward before, but being above ground for the first time in their lives felt so beautiful that they couldn't find it in themselves to care. 

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