Chapter 12 - After The Games

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*BTW, I'm retconning the timeline because it's too confusing, even for me. Nate and Matt are the same age now, even if this contridicts previous plot points, kay? (and yes, I know that Matt's older IRL, but... I'm asking you guys to really stretch your suspension of disbelief here.*

Nate had been to the arena a few times, but he'd always snuck out early to avoid seeing them. This time though, Dark had made sure he'd stay put by "allowing" him to sit in his box. Nate squirmed uncomfortably, watching as the caged bear came out and attacked the people.

He couldn't help but watch the Hope from earlier. His suspicions were right, the young man was clearly intelligent. He came up with a way to get the bear back in the cage. But then, when one of the others died, a servant with blonde hair, leaving only the Hope and one of the girls, it got to his least favorite part. The bit where they kill each other. The games were rigged - sure, the prize was real, but the final two always ended up killing each other anyway. He hated watching it. The arena, ironically, was where he felt least like a Dagger, which comforted him in a backwards sort of way.

The girl had thrown down her dagger, resulting in the death penalty. Seeing Dark's eyes on him, Nate forced himself to watch as the girl was shot dead. He repressed the urge to shut his eyes. Seeing her with that arrow...

"Don't you dare make fun of me.... I'm so scared.... Dying. I'm dying."

Nate shook his head, finally getting the will to close his eyes, despite Dark's gaze still resting on him. Dark placed a hand on his arm. "Cristina?" He asked, almost kindly. Nate nodded. Dark gave him a smile that, while sincere on the outside, hid a sinister nature. "You'll be strong enough to fight through soon."

Nate turned back to the arena, uncomfortable. He watched as the Hope stood up. Dark narrowed his eyes, before standing up. He smiled at the young man in the arena. "He has a Hope brand..." Dark said to himself.

Nate peered over the ledge again, checking for himself despite the fact that he already knew. When he turned back, Dark was gone. Nate stood up more and leaned over the box railing.

"Whoa! Is that what I think it is?" The announcer shouted above the crowd. 4 of the Daggers from the hunt rushed the Hope, showing off his arm, bearing the Hope brand, to the crowd.

"That's a Hope Brand!" A woman in the crowd screeched. The sounds of laughter and shouting became louder and more deranged. He couldn't stand to see this. This was too painful, even if it was helping him fake it. He turned to leave, when he heard a voice from the arena below.

"Well, well." Nate turned back to the balcony to see one of the arena doors was open. "A Hope. Our... lesser half." In the doorway stood the same man who had been beside Nate moments before. Dark was in the arena, staring the Hope face-to-face. He stepped closer. "Then again, I know a thing or two about lesser halves."

The Hope took in Dark's appearance for a second, a look of shock on his face. "Mayor Mark?" He asked.

Nate stepped back, reminded of Dark's lies to him and Cristina about being banished by his brother, a Hope. But this young man, a real Hope, had referred to him as "mayor" Mark. It surprised Nate to know that that part was true - it didn't take a genius to put together the fact that Dark and this "Mark" were twins.

Dark groaned audibly, but regained his composure. "I would... prefer...not to be compared to my brother."

"You're Mayor Mark's brother? He has a brother?" The Hope asked, leaning back, a little intimidated.

"Twins." One of the Daggers holding the Hope's arm said. Nate averted his eyes, hearing the familiar snap from Dark. The hit from the arrow was quick, and when Nate turned back, he tried not to look at the body on the ground. Dark seemed to enjoy killing people this way.

"My name is Dark." He held his hand out for him to shake, but the Hope only stepped farther away. Dark smiled with that familiar look of fake sincerity, lowering his hand. He leaned in, examining the Hope's face. "You look... remarkably like a man I once knew. A friend of mine, actually."

What? Nate leaned in further.

"And you have her eyes as well..." Dark continued. "What's your last name?"

The Hope shifted back. "Patrick."

Dark gave a small, satisfied gasp. "I know your parents." Nate nearly fell off the balcony in shock. "Or, well... I knew them."

The Hope relaxed, the shock of that information more powerful than the fear. "You... knew my parents?" He paused, seemingly taking in the information. "How-how? Do you - what happened to them?" He asked. "My dad, he died before I was born, and my mom died..."

"Of poisoning?"

Nate stepped back. All of Dark's lies from that night when he and Cristina found them in the dungeons... they were at least based on truth. He said of friend of his, a pregnant woman, was poisoned... and here was the son. He said he'd been banished by his brother, and it just so happened that Dark's twin brother was the Mayor of the Hope Clan? Nate thought it was all a lie, but this Hope being here proved some of it was true.

"What? No, she died giving birth to me." The Hope said. "Why would you say poisoning?"

"No reason," Dark said, brushing it off with a wave of his hand.

No reason? Nate thought. So that's the lie in the story you fed us. You weren't framed for the poisoning, you poisoned his mother! Nate clenched his fist. He had to meet him, to speak to him in private. He needed to know what else was a lie, but also what was true.

"I knew your mother was pregnant, but... I never thought I'd have the... pleasure... of meeting you. Your parents said that if they had a girl, her name would be Amy... what did they end up calling you?"


"Well then, Matthew." Dark picked up the dagger on the ground and gave it to Matthew. "As head of the Daggers, I welcome you into our happy... little... family." Dark's eyebrows curled down in a sinister glare.

Matthew shook his head. "I can't. I-I'm not a Dagger. I'm a Hope. And I may not even be that anymore."

Nate stood straight. What have you done?! He wanted to shout. Refusing the prize was a death sentance... but also Nate's chance to talk to him, maybe even save him. Nate dashed out the back, rushing down to the arena level. About halfway down the stairs, he could hear the ominous chanting of the Daggers, "Kill, kill, kill."

Nate needed a plan. He had no idea what to do. What would he do? Reaching the arena door, the peeked through the cracks. Dark had the dagger at Matthew's throat. Nate started to pace frantically. What would he do?

What would Cristina do?

She'd be clever about it. She'd find a way around Dark's tricks, think that he's close to getting what he wants, but no so close that it's suspicious. Nate turned towards the door, fists clenced, his whole body tight, but strong. He pushed open the door.

"Dark, wait. I've got a better idea."

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