Chapter 13 - Eating

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*This is the weirdest chapter I've ever written in my life.*

Dark lowered the knife, Matthew remaining tense, as they both turned to look at Nate. Dark looked at him closely, trying to read every emotion he might have in his face, needing to see what he was up to, or if he was up to anything in the first place. He dropped his hands at his sides, still holding the dagger.

"And what idea would that be, Nathan?"

Nate took a deep breath, trying to steel himself before negotiating with Dark. "Can I have this one?"

Dark's eyes widened, genuinely taken aback. "What?" He glanced back at the Hope, Matthew. "Why? Why him, and why now?"

Nate sucked a breath of air through his teeth. I really didn't think I'd get this far, what am I supposed to say? "I just noticed.." Be evil, be evil, think super evil, Nate. "This one looks... tasty."

I'm sorry, THE HELL DID I JUST SAY? Nate kept his face stoic and calm, despite screaming inside his skull. Did you just imply you're a cannibal, Nate? Yes Nate, I did, because YOU told me to think evil.

Meanwhile, Matthew had gone deathly pale. He looked like he was about to pass out. Don't let him pass out, Nate! Say something! "The idea just hit me, and I knew I had to ask." Nate looked Matthew right in the eye, hoping that he might catch a hint of what Nate was trying to do. 

Matthew started to wobble on his feet, terrified by the man who just said he intended to eat him looking him directly in his probably delicious eyeballs.

"DON'T PASS OUT!" Nate shouted. The abrupt shout drew Matthew back to reality, and he stood again, now more confused than terrified. The fear was still apparent, though.

Dark leaned over, confused himself. "... You want to eat him?"

Nate pursed his lips together, looking off to the side. "...Yep."

"Wouldn't it be easier if he was unconscious?"

Nate paused, frozen in his thoughts. "Yeah, but then it won't be as painful when I... chew?"

At this point, even Matthew had become confused. "Um, sir? I don't care how determined you are to... you know, eat someone, but I refuse to believe that you intend to eat while the victim is still alive and kicking."

Dark turned back to Matthew. "You know you're the victim we're all talking about, correct?"

"........Please let me live in my denial for a couple minutes."

There was a sort of awkward pause before Dark turned back to Nate. "Obviously I'd cut him up first," he added quickly, having only thought of it now. "But the point still stands. So yeah. Can I?"

Dark's face betrayed several different versions of confusion, before he finally raised his hands in an exasperated surrendering motion. "You know what? It's progress. Go ahead, take the Hope and literally eat him - it's the most Dagger-like thing I've ever seen you do." Dark pushed Matt into Nate's arms, Nate struggling to catch him.

"... Thanks. I'm gonna take this home now, because eating raw meat is bad for you, as we all know, and results in-"

"Nate, please just go home."

"Thank you, sir." Nate gripped Matthew by the shoulders tightly and turned him around quickly, pivoting him around and pushing him out the arena door, tense as ever.

...Nailed it.

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