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Emre woke after only about 3 hours of sleep, hearing the nurse come switch out his IV fluids.  He positioned the bed to prop him up a bit so he could get a drink of water.  He set his cup down and picked up his phone.  So many messages from Aylin.  He had seen the first few and just left them... still unsure how he wanted to proceed.  There were probably twice as many messages now, and each one got more panicked and then threatening with her insecurities building the longer he refrained from answering.  He figured he'd better at least let her know he was alive.  He started a text...

Aylin.  Please calm down...  I was in a car accident so, unable to answer your messages.  When I was well enough, I still couldn't contact you as Can showed up.  They gave me sedation to sleep when he left, so I'm just waking up and able to get in touch.  They're keeping me for observation overnight and Can plans to come back tomorrow to pick me up.  We'll talk later, tamam?

A moment later, he had a reply-  Emre! I've been going insane!  Did you get the paperwork??

Wow.  He couldn't believe that was her concern.  But then again, thinking about it, he wasn't really surprised.  Maybe a bit disappointed... not only in her as a partner in life, but in himself for allowing himself to be misguided for so long.  He was tempted to respond with something like 'I'm okay, thanks for asking' but ultimately knew it wouldn't make any difference so, he simply answered her question.  Yes Aylin.  We'll talk later.  Her reply came as he had moved to lay the phone back on the bedside table, Fine, görüşürüz.  He just shook his head and laid back down to try for more sleep.


Can had gotten home from the hospital exhausted and had collapsed in one of the garden chairs. He slept for a couple of hours, then woke, kind of sore and stiff from the cool night air on his tight muscles from his earlier hike/jog out of the woods. He rose and stretched, wincing a little. "Uufff" escaped his throat as he felt his aching muscles. He staggered into the house, heading to the kitchen for some water. He gulped the whole glass he'd poured and then poured another, bringing it with him to the sofa. He sat, still tired, but not drowsy. He started to think on he and Emre's conversation, and then started wondering again what was in the red file.

He shook off the thought, knowing that no amount of wondering was going to get him any answers. He tired to focus on something else- naturally, she entered his mind. Ah Sanem... He reclined back and rested his head on the back of the sofa as he thought about their little retreat they'd taken after the tenseness at the office with his brother. She'd been so distraught, then relaxed with him on the drive into the woods. Once they were alone together, and outside the normal setting, they were so easy with one another. He'd noticed it at his hut too. Maybe it was just being in nature, but he liked to think it had more to do with their chemistry.

His mind's eye saw her in his sweatshirt again and he grinned at the image, then bit his lip as he imagined only her underneath it. Careful Can. You go too far too fast. He sat back upright, reaching for the glass of water he'd set on the coffee table. He finished his water, stood and headed to bed, hoping for maybe another couple of hours before the sun came up. He went in to to rinse off in the shower and changed into sleep clothes, feeling more relaxed yet, having shed the grit (both physical and figurative) from the woods and the hospital. He sank into bed, lying on his back, one arm behind his head as he stared at the ceiling for a moment. Sanem, he thought as his heavy eyelids closed over his tired eyes.


Sanem awoke to her sister's incessant knocking, then abrupt entrance to her bedroom.  "Sanem!  Come on- get up!"  Sanem groaned, "Ablaaahhhh-  It's too early!"  Leyla pulled her sister's covers back, "Wake up Sanem!  Are you going with Can Bey to pick up Emre Bey this morning?"  Sanem opened one eye, "I hadn't planned on it, no...  he didn't ask me to so- no.  Go away- let me sleep another 20 minutes please."  Leyla's concern for Emre Bey was too great.  "No- you're awake now, we may as well head to the office early.  I can make sure Emre Bey's docket is cleared so he won't have to worry about anything. Come ON!" Leyla smacked Sanem's thigh and she flinched, kicking back at her sister, "Uufff Leyla!  Allah!  Give me a minute!"  Sanem threw her pillow at her elder sister as she closed the door behind her, yelling one last time, "Get up Sanem!"

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