Missed Opportunities

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Can made his way up the stairs to find Sanem gone.  He looked at Akif, eyebrows raised, arms extended in question.  Akif shrugged, "she hailed a taxi and left."  Can dropped his arms to his sides, looking at his friend in disdain, "You let her go alone at this time of night?!"  Akif raised his hands in defense, "I tried!  I said you'd take her home but she insisted she not put you out."  Can was not at all surprised, but lingered with his disapproving look for his friend, remembering his sabotage.  They say their good nights, Can shifting again to a genuinely grateful comrade, grasping his friend's shoulder.  "Thanks again for letting us do this bro, you're really saving my life."  Akif smiled and returned the shoulder grasp, "Any time brother!  I owe you so much, this was the least I could do!"  They 'brother-hugged' while Akif apologized, "I'm just sorry about the power outage making it so much longer for you!"  Can smiled as they parted, backing away to his truck, "The time was well spent brother, believe me!"  Akif gave a knowing wink and Can pointed at him acknowledging.


Sanem lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling... What would have happened if Akif hadn't interrupted?  She felt a surge of excitement swell in her belly again.  She huffed and shifted to lay on her side, hugging a pillow to her bosom.  She forced her eyes closed and saw him.  His face... so close to hers.  Ah Sanem ah! Stop it!  She forced her eyes closed again and after a few minutes, the dreams came...  guided while she was still awake, but as she drifted off, they took on their own direction.


Emre had decided to grab a taxi back home, as he just couldn't feel settled in the hotel room.  He plopped to the sofa, and finally bit the bullet after spending the whole day alone with his thoughts.  Just call her and get it done.  He dialed Aylin.  She picked up and instantly shot a barrage of questions at him, "Emre! Why haven't you contacted me?! Where are you? Why didn't you get me the contract?!"  Emre let go a minor scoff.  Well, if I'd had any second thoughts they're gone for sure now. "Why, I'm recovering very well after MY CAR ACCIDENT Aylin- Thanks very much for asking!"

He heard silence for a moment then, "Emre, you texted that you were alright... why would I worry?"  He laughed at that, "Of course, how stupid of me."  She continued, like a woman obsessed, "My worry, dear Emre, comes from your silence about the contract!  Did you send it before you left the office? Because it hasn't arrived ye-"  He cut her off, "NO Aylin!  No I didn't send it...  no, I didn't sign it... NO, I'm not going to sign it... NO! I WILL NEVER SIGN IT!" He ended the call and threw his phone across to the other side of the sofa.  

Dammit!  Now I'm going to have to have another conversation with her.  Why didn't you remain cold...  Remain calm, and tell her it's over?!"  He took his meds and napped on the sofa for nearly three hours.  After waking, he stretched and sat up to retrieve his phone, checking for messages.  Can had texted about a half hour ago saying he was on his way home, and asking if he wanted him to pick up any food or anything.  He figured his brother would be home before he could reply, so he headed to the kitchen.

He made snack plates and poured himself a drink, walking back out to the sofa.  Halfway there, he heard the the front door.  "Can?" he called over his shoulder.  "Merhaba brother!  I have a pizza if you're hungry?"  Emre grinned at his brother's thoughtfulness.  He'd still stopped to bring him food not even knowing if he was hungry, or if he'd gotten the text.  "Ah! Mükemmel!  I was just grabbing snacks for us!"  Can came in, dumped the pizza box to the coffee table and headed toward the kitchen, "You start, I'm getting a drink."  Emre set the plates of snacks down on either side of the pizza box, then flipped it open, snagging a piece and taking a large bite.  His appetite was definitely back in full force.

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