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Jin { p.o.v }

I got up early. I looked at the clock, it was 7am. I got from the bed and did my morning routine. After getting freshen up. I walked towards the kitchen to prepare the break fast for my lovely babies.

I am not married jeez~
My babies are my best friends,tae and jiminie.
We live in the same apartment. we moved to Bangtan city months ago.
Because we wanted to study in bighit universitya and To pursue our career that is becoming singer and joining a band.

I am not good at singing. I came here just  because I can't leave my babies alone. So, I guess you can tell that I followed them.

I love when people call me handsome .
Which of course I am 😍😍😍😍
So I call myself

Jin:JIMINE BABY and TAE BABY get up.

I called from downstairs, since I didn't get any response. I went upstairs to check  on them. First I went to jimine baby's room.

Jimin { p.o.v }

I was rolling on the bed when I hear emmo Jin calling me and tae to wake up. I rolled few  more times on bed and sat up. I heard my room door opening and saw eommo smiling at me.

Jin: awww~~my baby is awake~~

Jimin: good morning eommo jin

He ruffled my hair and kissed me on cheek. I giggled when he tickled me.

Jin: jimine, baby~~ get ready today we are going to university, right??

I nodded and got up  walking towards bathroom.Eommo Jin left my room walking towards tae's room to see if he is awake or not.

Jin { p.o.v }

I  quietly opened taetae baby's room door. He was still sleeping peacefully, cuddling with his teddy bear.

His cute snores leaving his mouth. He looked very adorable with pouty lips.
He is my cutest baby.

Slowly, I walked towards him sitting  beside him on the bed. I ruffled his silky blond hairs and softly kissed him on forehead.

He groaned and opened his eyes and he smiled as soon as he saw me and hugged me.

Jin: Taebaby, today we have to go to university to submit right? so get up  quickly~~

Tae: yeah, eommo.I will get ready right now.

He gave me his boxy smile..

After I made sure he was getting ready , I walked downstairs and prepared breakfast.

I heard my babies walking downstairs.They took seat  on the chairs and started banging on  dining table.

Tae: eommo, I am hungry~~~~

Jin: Taebaby, I am bringing food~~ give me sec~~

Jimin: yay!!!

I gave them breakfast. they started eating happily. After we finished having our breakfast, we got ready to leave for university.

Jin: Babies, Did you guys  fill your application form ??

Jimin& Tae : yessss!! eommo~~

Jin: where are your application forms babies??

They both looked at each other then towards me.

Jimin& Tae : ROOM!!!!!

They ran upstairs and came down. They handed me their application.I checked their application and it was filled correctly.

I saw time it was 9:30, We still had 30 min. . . .

Jin: lets go, babies~~

Both: yes! eommo~~

We walked towards parking lot and sat in car then drove off towards university.


Above pic describe their appearance of this chapter.

Hope you are liking it😊😊😊😊😊~~

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