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Jin and Namjoon started walking. There was silence between them. So, Jin decided to start conversation.

Jin: I didn't know~~you like vanilla flavour...

Namjoon: huh~~yes its my favorite flavour.

Jin: mine too.* blushing*

Namjoon* oh god just kill me..why is he so cute*

Namjoon: really!! Wow we have one thing in common.

Jin: yeah~~

Namjoon{ p.o.v }

We walked for a while then we stopped at a table. I saw same guys from yesterday. They are cute just like our bunny kookie.

The guy who had boxy smile spoke..

Tae: eommo!! what took you so long???* pouting*

Wait !!!!

He's married!!!!

Jin: sorry Tae baby~

So his name is Tae. He is so cute.

Another boy who had eye smile spoke...

Jimin: APPA!!!!




I turned back to see if someone was standing. But,I didn't see anyone.Then I looked at him and pointed finger at myself.

He nodded....

Did he just nod.
If Jin is eommo.
And I am.......

I looked at jin....

God kill me.

He was blushing so hard.Someone can mistake him for tomato.

Then he spoke. He's voice so low.

Jin: jiminie baby he's not appa.He's eommo's friend okay baby~~

Ohhh so his name is jimin.

Namjoon: Hello tae baby and jimine baby....

Both of them looked at me surprised.

I thought
*did I tell something wrong?*

I snapped out when I felt like two bears hugging me.

Jimin: Appa is so nice~~

My heart raced. They are literally angels.

Tae: appa is so good~

I hugged back and I saw jin was blushing mess.

Jin { p.o.v }

When we arrived, I saw tae baby pouting.I apologized for coming late.

I wanted to die when I heard jimin.

Jimin: APPA!!


namjoon was confused,he looked behind him then he looked at jimin and pointed his finger at himself. He looks so cute when he is confused. Jimin nodded towards him.Then he turned to me.

I was blushing so hard that I lowered my head in embarrassment.

Then I spoke...

Jin: jimin baby, he's not appa.
He's eommo's friend okay baby.

I saw namjoon he was looking at me.I think he understood that I was embarrassed.

Namjoon:Hello tae baby and jiminie baby...

I saw my babies they were surprised.
I saw namjoon he was confused.

Just in a snap of second, my two babies were hugging him.He was surprised at first but, then hugged back.

Jin: jimine and tae!!joonie can't breath~~

Wait!!! I called him joonie.

Author { p.o.v }

Namjoon was so happy when Jin called him joonie.Jimin and Tae pulled away from the hug and sat back in their seats.

Jimin: appa come and sit~~

He patted seat next to him.Namjoon felt happy when he heard that word.

Tae: No!!! Appa sit beside me!!!!

He pouted.

Jimin: No!

Tae: yes!

Jimin: No!

Tae: yes!

Both babies were fighting to sit with their appa.

Jin: stop fighting babies~~Joonie come and sit beside me.

Namjoon nodded and sat beside jin.

Namjoon whispered in jin's ear.

Namjoon: Thanks princess.

Jin face was so red. They both stared at each other.

Jimin: Appa.....APPA!!!!!

namjoon and Jin broke their eye contact. When they heard jimin calling his name.

Namjoon: yes~ jimin baby??

Tae:jimin~~appa and eommo are so much in love with each other~~
* whispering to jimin*

Jin and namjoon were blushing

Jimin: yeah tae~~they even forgot about us~~* whispers back*

They were smirking.

Jin: Babies dont call joonie appa.He might feel uncomfortable.

Jimin and tae pouted.

Namjoon: No~~ jinnie I like it.



Both namjoon and jin were blushing.

* cough cough *

Tae: eommo I am going to washroom okay...

Jin: Baby, Do you want me to come with you??

Tae: no no no!!!I will go alone...

Tae left.

* cough cough*

Jimin: Appa I want to go to that shop...
Can you be with eommo, Pwease.....
* giving puppy eyes*

RM: of course baby~~

Jimin left...

Namjoon and jin were left alone.

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