Yakuza matt. Chapter 5.

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"so his name is what" oikawa asked as they been looking into the guy who attacked them at the party for a couple days non stop. "the man with the scar is called nick" kageyma said with a straight face and everyone had a disappointed face. "so a scary dude like him who killed a couple of assassins is named nick" hinata said since it didnt give a scary vibe. "what kind of fucking name is that for a bad guy who hunting assassin down, is the next one gonna be called peter or something" kentaro yelled and everyone agreed. 

"we found his name by his fingerprints on the dead assassin bracelet" yuka said as he pulled up nick profile. "so he has loving parents, a good childhood and after high school just suddenly became evil the hell, how did he get the scare maybe that made him evil" iwaizumi asked since no one could understood have he suddenly went after assassins. "in a car crash when he was a teen, he really liked the scar since it meant he lived on the day he lost his adopted brother" yachi said with a smile as they showed the file for the accident and a pic of his brother. "wait hold on, his adopted brother I seen him somewhere in a case" bokuto said and all the assassin looked closer. "he was part of the Yakuza, he got adopted after he forced the parents so he could make them give him a cover story when the cops tried to arrest him, by saying he was home with them or something. But from everything the parents said they never told the nick who he was or what he was doing so nick saw him as a brother" akaashi said with a sad smile. 

"but an assassin wont make a kill this obvious so nick wont be hunting down a certain assassin over his brother death, we all have a code to only kill who on the hit list and this is too much of a mess for us" kuroo said as they looked at the crash file. "well something made him want to go after assassins, who was his boss in the Yakuza or his enemies" suga asked with a small smile. "it seem his boss was a boss in the Yakuza called matt, oh wait it seems his boss fired him after he went wild and killed someone random, he also stole money from his boss and the accident was done by the boss men" daichi said as he looked into it more and Yamaguchi face fell pale by the name. "so he should be after the Yakuza boss right not us, unless he couldn't get to the boss and was after someone close to matt, every Yakuza do have an assassin boss but this guy swats is often so dose he really have any close friends or family in the assassin work place, try looking into it for us" Kenma said as they all thought about it. "I think I know why he after assassins, do we still have him in holding or has he been moved to assassin prison yet" Yamaguchi asked and they pointed to the cell on the floor, while he ran over. 

"record what happens in the room" suga said with a frown. "are we sure, yamaguchi didnt look so good" iwaizumi said worried. "we need every clue we can get and I'm sure yamaguchi already knows we gonna record" kenma said with a smile. "I wonder why Yamaguchi looked so worried, dose he know the boss named matt" kuroo asked with worry. "even if he did he wont tell us, no ones knows yamaguchi pass or family, the only outsider he talks about is tsukishima" oikawa said with worry. "so tsukishima do you know since your been standing here" bokuto asked and everyone turned to the blonde who been here for an hour now. "I only know yamaguchi from when I moved and he never talked about his family or past, I only met his family a couple times and the only one he cared to talk about is his brother so I'm in the dark as well" Tsukki said with a frown and everyone was shocked to hear he had a brother. Like yes they could check yamaguchi file but most of it was blanked out by yamaguchi himself, the only person who knows yamaguchi story is himself. 


"hello" Yamaguchi said with a small smile as he sat down in front of the cell nick was in. "who the hell are you" nick grunted. "nice to meet you nick, I'm bunny" Yamaguchi smirked as nick went pale when they worked out his name. "I wont talk" nick said crossing his arms. "so the Yakuza boss named matt killed your brother while you were in high school and you love your mask because he protected you but it gave you the scar so it your last memory of him right" Yamaguchi asked with a smile at nick shocked face since yamaguchi knew he was right.

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