Step Dad. Chapter 6.

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"well yes, bunny boy here is my son" matt said rolling his eyes at everyone shocked faces. "step son and I'm not longer related to you" Yamaguchi said annoyed. "with or without your angle mother, your always be my son" matt said with a smirk. "no I only put up with you for my mother sake" Yamaguchi said in a grumps. "so what about 12" matt smirked and yamaguchi blushed. "I dont remember" Yamaguchi liked making matt laugh. "for a blind kid I'm shocked your remember the date" matt smiled and patted yamaguchi head. "just because I was blind dont mean I couldn't remember anything important" Yamaguchi aid with a smile. "so it was important" matt smiled. "so what is the 12" tsukki asked and both matt and yamaguchi sad smiled.

"it was the first day we went out to the zoo as a family with no Yakuza fears or anything it was just a normal family day out" Yamaguchi smiled. "yeah me, my wife, yamaguchi and our daughter molly went to the zoo, I think molly was only a month old and it was her first time going out with the family and I remember she started crying when the lions roared and yamaguchi roared back at them to protect his sister, tho we did lose you since we forgot you can see when we went up ahead to the table" matt laughed. "you have a sister but I just remember your big brother and two step sisters and your younger brother" tsukki said puzzled and the two boys frowned. "I had a sister, just like I had a mother who was an angle" Yamaguchi frowned. "they were killed by someone who wanted to make me pay, yamaguchi only lived because he was blind at the time" matt said with a frown. 

"that must have been hard, having a happy family while being a Yakuza boss" akaashi said with a sad smile. "well the Yakuza boss I didnt mind since I met her and little yamaguchi while I was out on a job, some of my men was causing her trouble and I saved her and then I saw little Yamaguchi try to protect her it was cute but before I knew It we were a family but the danger was even higher now" matt said with a sad smile as he thought about the old days. "but to kill your wife and a baby just to make you cry, what a monster" iwaizumi said with anger. "normally the child who take over the business is normally targeted and the rest left alone but this guy was cold and broke Yakuza rules and just killed my family without care .. when I find them they will pay" matt growled with anger and a killer vibe could be felt. "just give up, mother would never forgive or smile over us if he was killed" Yamaguchi sighed. "how could you say such a thing when you know how he killed her and treated her, even the baby" matt said pissed. "you think I dont want to hunt that ass down and do the same he did to them but I knew I could never face mother again if I went as low as him so man up and keep walking" Yamaguchi hiss back shocking the group. "why dont we all calm down" bokuto said worried since matt and yamaguchi was grabbing each other shirts. 

"so are you strong enough to kill me yet" matt said as he sat down. "I'm not gonna kill you so stop dreaming" Yamaguchi said as he sat on tsukki lap. "so your still too weak to kill me but I heard you were one of the youngest assassins ever and a real badass" matt asked. "I am and I could kill you but I wont" Yamaguchi said annoyed and tsukki put his arms around his hips before laying his head on yamaguchi shoulder. 

"then why not, isn't that why I put you on the rode to being an assassin so you could become strong and kill me" matt asked as he sipped some of his water. "mother loved you too much and I wont let her love be wasted by killing you" yamaguchi said with a pout and lent his head on tsukki.

In Love With A Killer (tsukishima X yamaguchi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora