Family. Chapter 7.

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"so why are they staying here" daichi asked as he stared at tsukki and matt sitting on there floor. "yamaguchi sent them both our way after a little fight" Suga smiled kindly. "please take care of us and dont Let Yamaguchi kill us" matt begged with fear. "i love him but he really scary since he dont hide his assassin skills" tsukki said worried and daichi laughed with suga. "i count 14 blades all together from what i pull out of there bags and shoes, yamaguchi must had controlled himself well when he was throwing them at the boys" Suga smiled. "14 how is that well behaved he could have killed us" matt said worried. "but he didnt he aimed for your bags and shoes so you live, be very happy you got to live" daichi smiled and kissed his smiling husband. 

"oh right yama said you guys are gonna adopt" tsukki asked with a straight face. "yeah we gonna get a son, we should be able to bring him home in a month, I'm so excited" suga smiled brightly. "yeah we be out own little family and have a cute little boy calling us dad" daichi smiled. "congrats" tsukki said and the married couple smiled. 

"I'm glad you and yamaguchi worked out well, we hated seeing him so upset after you found out who he was" suga said with a smile and passed out everyone cuppas. "yeah i was a jerk but I'm glad i got my yama back, he my everything" tsukki smiled making everyone go aww.  "tsukki" yamaguchi said with a blush making everyone jump since no one heard he got here. "how long have you been here" matt said shocked. "since daichi said so why are they staying here" yamaguchi smiled and everyone shivered since no one noticed him. "damit yamaguchi how many times have we told you not to climb in our bedroom window, one day you walk in on something important" daichi said like a farther and yamaguchi giggled. "i already heard you guys doing it and i found your old porn mags, so there not much more i could see" Yamaguchi said rolling his eyes. "he got a poor honey, he has see us being all lovely every time and knows more about our lifes then us, so let him be" suga smiled and daichi just nodded. 

"yama why are you here, I thought you were angry with me and matt" tsukki said with worry as yamaguchi walked over and sat on his lap. "yes I'm still very pissed of by you and matt arguing non stop and trying to prove who better all night and even braking my mug but I want cuddles" Yamaguchi said a little pissed of but smile at the end as he wrapped tsukki arms around him. "sorry I guess we did go a little over board with trying to see who better and sorry for keeping you up all night" tsukki said with worry and placed his head on yamaguchi neck. "oh tsukki why are you sorry it not like you guys fought all night and kept pulling me into it hoping for me to say who better then decide to have stupid torments and even used me like an old toy. why would I be mad" Yamaguchi hissed and tsukki just hugged him sorry. "I'm sorry, we learnt our lesson" matt said with worry and yamaguchi just stayed cuddle up to tsukki. 

"will you be staying for diner yamaguchi" suga said with a mother smile. "yes please, your guys cooking is the best" yamaguchi smiled brightly. "well why dont you help make the cake" daichi said with a grin and yamaguchi stood up following the two. "did he really come here for cuddles or their cooking" matt said with a smile and tsukki just rolled his eyes. 


"great food, it taste just like my wife cooking when she was still alive" matt said with a grin and yamaguchi nodded with a smile. "thanks I'm glad you like it, daichi way better at cooking them me, so next time I let him cook" suga said with a smile and patted yamaguchi head. "your guys cooking really is the best" yamaguchi giggle and suga smiled with daichi since they always seen yamaguchi as there son. "well your welcome to come eat whenever, we still got your special mug here ready to be drank from" daichi smiled and yamaguchi giggled. "do yamaguchi come here often, I thought he ate with me most days" tsukki asked with a little frown. "before he moved into the house you guys live in now, when he started eating with us a couple years after we joined the floor we work on now, it took two years for him to open up and be friendly but I'm glad he opened. He always talked about you while eating here and after hard mission he came here to eat so he never worried you or go back to the small flat all messed up but after you guys moved in the flat your in now he stopped coming so often, I think he only comes once a month when your on the night shift" suga smiled kindly and tsukki turned to yamaguchi who just held his hand. 

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