Chapter 1

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There he is, sitting right beside me, barely two centimetres between our elbows, the hottest guy in school; Roger Taylor. I've known him for almost 5 years and every single thing he does makes me want him more and more. Asking to use my tippex or to see if I have a spare pen. I'm in love with him, along with every other girl in the year but he turns everyone down.

I saw him looking at me today out of the corner of his eye, but when I looked back he didn't look away, he looked me in the eyes and gave me a look that I'm still trying to understand. Maybe he likes me too, but that would be dumb, He's a drummer in a band and the hottest guy in school and I'm just a girl who doesn't fit in anywhere and sits at the edges of groups. Huh, yeah he likes me, sure, get a life Holly.

"Holly" I turned around trying to find whose voice was calling my name, not expecting to see Roger.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanna go to the cinema next Friday with the band."
"Oh... uh, sure I'd love that, what time?"
"I'll pick you up at eight, that okay?"
"Perfect, can't wait"

Perfect?? Can't wait????? Get it together Holly, you're not 32, jeez. I just got invited to the cinema by Roger Taylor. Holy shit. What the fuck. I'm dreaming.


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