Chapter 2

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Okay, okay, what to wear, is this casual so do i wear jeans and a jumper or do I go relaxed fancy like my jumpsuit. I'll go with the jeans? Maybe? Yeah, like its not a date date it's just hanging out with the best band ever. Oh shit, I'm hanging out with the best band ever. Fuck. What if they don't like me and they never talk to me again, what if they tell everyone how annoying I am, my life would be over.
Shit, the doorbell rang, and its eight o'clock. Pray for me.

Ok so um, I ended up sitting beside Roger in the movie and um, he just put his arm around me and um shit, I think I'm going to have a stroke, he's so beautiful. He's looking at me right now and I don't know what to do. I'm just gonna pretend I don't notice.

"You look so beautiful tonight" He whispered in my ear, his voice smooth like velvet.
"Well yeah, you're the only beautiful person here"
I manage to spurt out three words "Oh, uh, thanks" Thanks? THANKS? Say something else you dumbass. "You too" Well shit, you've done it now haven't you, you ruined it.

I look over at him and realise how long and thick his eyelashes are. Oh shit, oh shit, he's about to kiss me, I'm gonna kiss him back, I'm gonna kiss Roger Taylor.
His lips are so soft and light at first, barely brushing against mine but then it starts to get really passionate and it's at that moment when the band notices and starts making comments, completely killing the mood. I didn't mind until I heard someone say "Stop kissing the new singer" then I pull away.

"New singer? What's that about?"
"I wanted to ask you if you would join the band because we just lost our singer and I saw videos of you online and, wow. You have an amazing voice and it's everything we need in this band. So, what do you say?"
"Uhhh," I'm at loss for words so I just not my head "Yes?"
"You don't seem too sure about that Holz"
"Well I am, I'd love to be in the band."
"Great, rehearsals are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during lunch, music class and sometimes after school, you up for that?"
"Definitley, can't wait"

Can't wait??? Jesus child what is wrong with you?!?!?!?

Roger dropped me home, he walked me up to the door like a true gentleman and did that thing where he stared deep into my eyes. Damn he's gorgeous.
"Maybe out here we can kiss with no interruptions" he whispered in my ear so softly.
"Ya, maybe, but there's only one way to know"
I grabbed the edge of his denim jacket and pulled him into me kissing him slow and sweet at first but then getting more passionate as it went on, and it was the best kiss of my life.

No-one needs to ask, we both know we're in a relationship.

Untitled  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant